#26- 'Don't Cry...'

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- Coммeɴтѕ αɴd Voтeѕ αre αpprecιαтed★

Driving through the barely lighten roads, I drive back to the house. Parking the car and turning of the engine, I step out and shut the door. Walking to the door, I slip in the keys unlocking it.

Pushing the door open, it was really quite. Quietly shutting the door behind me in case Y/n was already asleep from how late it was. Walking up the stair case, nearing the room, I heard a noise from the other side.

Pressing my ear to the door, I realized it was Y/n crying. Sighing, I press my forehead to the door.

I'm sorry Y/n, maybe I shouldn't have done this...

Everybody will probably think I'm a crazy creep of a teacher who grew fixated with his own student.

What type of sick fuck does something like that? Above all I took you away from the world you knew for my own selfish needs.
Maybe it's not to late...?

Hearing you cry did something to me...

And it burned my insides, I didn't realize what it was but then I did...

I don't want to let you go.

Unlocking the door from outside, I walk through. The first thing I see being your puffy eyes from all the crying you'd done.

Face stained with tears, eyes showing nothing but hurt.

"Y/n..." I said is I began walking to you, untying the ropes but leaving the chain.

"Y/n dear, don't cry, please." It was a stupid comment, you deserved to let all your stress out.

I was the reason behind those tears anyways.

Hugging your tired form, I guided your head into my shoulder. You'd began hyperventilating, trying to speak.

"Shhhh.... we can talk later, just try breathing normally."

Sometimes even I forget I'm already a grown adult...


If things were different, would you have given me another chance?

Patiently waiting for you to stabilize your breathing, I pet your hair to help keep you calm.

Your hard breathing slowed down, turning into soft gasps of air as you squeezed my white dresser shirt in your hands.

As you steadied your breathing, you tugged on my shirt. Letting go of you, enough for you to pull back you looked at me with glistening eyes.

"What's wrong?" I asked feeling sad, eyebrows drawn together in a gloomy feeling.

"I want to go home." You hiccup.

'There wasn't a home for you back there' is what I wanted to say, gaslight you into staying with me.

"Y/n, I love you. Haven't you realized I've been the only adult who's actually worried about you?" It was true, we both knew that much.

Shaking your head in denial, you shoved yourself back into my embrace. Voice muffled as you spoke with your head against my chest. "But Mr. Terushima... if you loved me, you wouldn't have left me alone."

"I love you, but if I want to stay with you, I have to play my part too." I answered, I didn't know you'd be that affected with not seeing me in the morning.

"I still have to work to help maintain us." I smiled as I cradled your form between my legs back and forth at a steady pace.

"How about I wake you up before I leave to say goodbye?" I questioned.

"I want to go home though..." you sniffled.

"...You can't... This is your home now, whether you like it or not."

(Published 10/3/2022)

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