'You have to stay after-school' ¹¹

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- Coммeɴтѕ αɴd Voтeѕ αre αpprecιαтed★

It was a new day today, but I dreaded the feeling of going to school. I didn't want to go in all honesty, already knowing what awaited me.
When I left yesterday after Ana's scene of leaving me humiliated for everyone to see, I got home. Shutting the door behind me, I let myself slide down it, hitting the floor.

I felt my phone buzzing in my pocket, pulling it out, it was a call from my mother. Answering, I heard her cold voice:

"I can't talk for too long Y/n, but you better stop skipping your classes! Understand? You better show up to school tomorrow."

I didn't even get a word in before I heard her hang up. Tears slowly sliding down my face, I saw several notifications. Clicking on one, it took me to Instagram. There were several people tagging me to videos, and bad-mouthing me.

I cried, seeing it was videos of what happened in the morning. I slide the phone away from me as I stood up walking over to my room, letting myself fall.

I ended up crying for a while until I fell asleep from exhaustion.

Walking onto the school grounds, I felt many judging eyes weighing down upon me. I quickly walked away, deciding it would be best not to grab breakfast incase Ana or Lisa did anything to me again.

Walking down the hall, I saw students I didn't even know pointing at my direction, laughing as I walked by. Quickening my pace, I walked into Mr. Terushima's classroom.

He was sitting up front on his desk, writing something down on a paper. He looked up at me in surprise, but quickly smiled.

"Hello Y/n, welcome back!" He said, watching as I didn't return his greeting, choosing to sit down instead.

He hummed at my silence, but didn't prey on it. "Y/n, you'll have to stay after hours to catch up on the work you missed." Was all he said as he turned away to look at his computer.

'Just great' I internally groaned as I knew it'd be more than 4 hours. Sighing, I let me head fall onto my desk.

Time went by, I felt relieved as school finally came to an end. Most of my classmates only gave me the stink eye, choosing to sit away from me just to talk about me.

I hated being the center of attention.

Walking down the lonely hall, I knock on Mr. Terushima's door. I heard a faint 'come in' from inside.

What sucked the most was that this was the only teacher that made students stay even after hours since he required for his students to finish their work at school.

Stepping inside, I let the door close as I sit down at the back of the class instead of my usual seat up front beside his desk. I couldn't deal with this today.

"Welcome back Miss. Y/n, here's the work you missed." He smiled, flapping more than five different packets in the air. He watched as I stood up, walking up to him just to quietly grab them and walk back over to the seat furthest from him.

He stood up, only to shut the door. I wasn't looking at him, but I heard the sound of keys jingling.

PUBLISHED 7/15/2022

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