#20- Just Sleep, Please?

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- Coммeɴтѕ αɴd Voтeѕ αre αpprecιαтed★

Shortly after Mr. Terushima left, I was still in shock. Who randomly attacks someone while they're vulnerable and walks away crying?

I knew there wasn't something right with him since I woke up this morning, but I'm too scared to question him about it. Why was he doing this, to me?

I never really bothered focusing on others, yet I was humble when I needed to be. I offered help to those who needed it. When I first meet Mr. Terushima it felt strange but I didn't question it.

The day went on by after the shower, he only came back to the room I was in to put the chain around my neck and give me lunch.

Looking out the window, the sky was already darkening. I didn't have  anything to know what time it was. I heard the door creak, I was to nervous to even turn and look at Mr. Terushima....

"Y/n, it's time we go to sleep..." he said, sounding so emotionless.

"I don't want to."

"I'm not asking you, we're going to sleep." He said getting onto the bed beside me.

"Why don't you sleep somewhere else?" I argued, scowling as he laid his arms over my chest.

"No, I'm sleeping with you." He said, nuzzling his nose onto my neck.

"Fine, I'll sleep on the floor instead." I claimed, pulling of the blanket.

Before I managed to move much, he was pulling the chain that was attached to my neck, making me stop my movements.

"Let's go to sleep, please Y/n?"
He sadly said, I couldn't see his expressions, but his voice seemed to be filled with an inner struggle.

Sighing in defeat, I get back on the bed. I didn't want to fight, I really hated it when someone raised their voice at me. I didn't want that to happen, and I feared what he might do if I didn't listen.

Laying down, he guided my head onto his chest, giving me a reassuring squeeze.

Why the reassuring squeeze?
Are you trying to keep yourself calm?
Or keep me under control by fear?

"It's okay, we'll be fine... We'll talk tomorrow."
Was the last thing he said as we laid still in the darkness, letting exhaustion win over us late into the night.

One thought stayed in my mind, even as I slept:
'I don't want to get hurt.'

PUBLISHED 7/31/2022

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