#29- Blaming

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- Coммeɴтѕ αɴd Voтeѕ αre αpprecιαтed★

Arriving at work, I shut off the engine getting if the car. Just as I began to walk into the school, I heard shouting.

"Mr. Terushima! Please wait!" I heard someone shout at me.

Turning it was the same cop that spoke to me in my classroom the other day. "Oh- hello! Sorry but I didn't catch your name." I awkwardly smiled.

"Oh- that's right, I forgot to introduce myself. My name's Jake." He replied, resting a hand on my upper back.

"I need you to come with me to the police department." Jake said as he began to walk me back towards the parking lot.

"Oh- sure, I just need to inform my boss-"

He cut me off saying he already talked with him.

"Oh... okay." I stiffly smiled.

'Were they thinking of me as a suspect now? No, calm yourself down Yuuji, maybe they've just want to ask me more questions...'

I couldn't let myself panick, it'd only give me away.

As we approached the officers police car, he opened the back door to sit down. It did scare me a bit having to sit down behind the bars as if I were some criminal...

Deep down, I knew I was one.

Arriving at the police station, Jake opens the door with a smile leading me through the people to certain office. Knocking on the door three times with the name tag 'Officer Kristina'.

"Come in," we both step inside, letting the door fall shut behind us.

"Hello Mr. Terushima, I'm the officer from yesterday, the name is Kristina if you didn't already see the name tag." Kristina said as she stood up, shaking my hand.

"Yes, already figured that much out... may I know why I'm here?" I gave a closed eye smile to avoid giving a glare at them.

"Well... we questioned your student Ana already, and we do have some more questions for you. Please sit down." She explained, gesturing to the chair across the long metal table in the middle of the room.

"I'd love to be of any help." I smiled as I walked to the chair of the other side.

It seemed like the type of crime shows you'd watch on television when the investigators surround the suspect. Playing mind games until the said suspect breaks from the pressure, admiting his sins and crimes.

I had to hold back a smile, I knew this all to well.

"Let's begin, Mr. Terushima, a teacher at Johzenji High School with a missing student, correct?"

"That's right."

"The missing victim's name being Y/n, L/n, right?"


"How well do you know this student, what type of relationship did you have with her?" Kristina questioned as she started intently at me.

"I don't really know much of her, she didn't really talk much in my class. Kept her personal life to herself, I don't know, maybe shared some info with her friends?"

"Okay, now answer the second question."

"The type of relationship I have with Y/n is that she was only my student. I would only see her door my class or passing periods. There wasn't anything outside or past that teacher- student relationship." I confidently answered, trying to make it sound like I was only answering the questions on point and not evading any.

"..." Kristina stayed quiet for a moment before she sat down.

"What type of relationship did you have with Ana?" She questioned, looking straight at me.

I scowled, "I don't have any type of relationship with her either if you're trying to suggest that."

How could they think I'd even give others a glance or second thought when I had Y/n.

"She kept saying you told her to bully Y/n."

"Ana, she's an average student, average grades. She doesn't pay attention in class and always tries making others do her homework for her." I said, annoyed at her selfishness.

"Is there anything else you might know about her?" Kristina asked.

"She's tried to seduce several of the other teachers where I work at. She doesn't seem to understand that type of teacher- student relationship she tries isn't appropriate."

It's true, Kristina was a slut, I've already heard my staff members talk about her for far too long.

"Ana has even taken an extent to sleep with her own teachers." I finished.

Kristina closed her notebook as she looked down at her pen. Jake was standing behind me but I could see his reflection as his eyes closed.

"So we got ourself a bit of a tuff case, don't you think?" Kristina said, looking over at the clock.

"A young teenage girl, Y/n L/n missing and no one knows her whereabouts. Her mother doesn't even know her own daughter. Ana, a suspect for now being a little stubborn, and a liar at that too with her arrogant personality. A principle who happened to already know about Ana's little affairs with her own teachers. Finally, Mr. Terushima, you seem to treasure your students a lot."
Jake said as he stood by Kristina.

"Thank you for your time once again, I'll take you back so you can head back to work." Jake smiled as he opened the door.

Walking with him out of the room, I could still feel Kristina's aroura as I felt her hard glare on my back.

Published 10/13/2022

By the way, I plan on uploading my first story on my second account!
It's a Suna x reader story though, and it isn't Yandere.
Feel free to check it out if you'd like, however it might be a bit of a slow burn.

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