#37- Ruining Reputations

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- Coммeɴтѕ αɴd Voтeѕ αre αpprecιαтed★

As I walk through the sketchy old gas station a few miles down from where we were residing at, I pull out the old phone.

It's already late, 12 at midnight. I'd walked down here to avoid others frome seeing the car. Hoodie pulled firmly over my face to avoid anyone from possibly noticing me.

I post the video I'd shown Y/n previously this day. Smiling as I could already see Ana's nasty attitude shut down, seeing her be put into her place as others will begin to humiliate her. She might not even have the courage to show her face in public anymore.

I walk out, pushing the door open as the screen finally glistened showing that the video had been successfully published. The cold air blew past me as I walked in the dark night.


Arriving back home, it was a little well past 2 in the morning, the gas station having been quite a while away. I open the door to where I last left you. Seeing as your curled into yourself, as a form at finding warmth. Sighing, I bring myself down beside you, pushing against you as you shuffle but get comfortable at my sudden presence in the sudden change on warmth.

Grinning, I left my eye lids close, falling asleep with you at my side. Kissing you goodnight once more before resting.


As Ana walked past the entrance of the school building she was greeted with the look chatter of voices and laughter to cause a burning humiliation.

"Lisa what the hell is going on? Why is everyone laughing at me?" And questions as she pulls her friends arm, pulling her away from the growing crowd.

"Don't you know? Get away from me, you're a slut, and here I thought you we were actually friends." Lisa replied as she pushed Ana out of her face.

Ana panicked, but didn't bother caring for Lisa, choosing instead to look for her boyfriend.

Running down the hall to her boyfriend, she shouted his name. "(D/n)! Wait up!" She watched as her boyfriend and his friend group came to hault, letting Ana catch up to them.

"(D/n) you'll never guess what happened, everyone's acting weird around m-!" She was silenced as (D/n) looked at her like she was filth. Some of his friend either giving her a dirty glance or sharing whispers along with laughter between the lines.

"Why... Why are you looking at me like that (D/n)?" Ana said, voice barely above a whisper.

(D/n)'s friends snicker at Ana's behavior but walked off, patting (D/n) on the back.

"We're over Ana. Don't talk to me, don't message me, and don't even dare you look at me." (D/n) harshly replied, hard eyes falling onto a surprised Ana.

"Why is everyone treating me like this?!"

"Not everything's about YOU Ana! Ha- but it is this time, sleeping with your fucking teachers." (D/n) laughed as he ruffled his hair over his eyes after forcibly pushing past Ana.

"No! What this can't be... happening..." Ana cried as she pulled out her phone, logging into her socials to see hundreds of mentions about her sleeping around with her teachers and a video going along with it as proof.

"NO!" Running down the hall to grab her bag, opening her locker, she pulled it open. Just to feel something cold and wet run down her head, into her shirt. Eyes wide, she looked at herself in the mirror inside her locker that didn't belong to her.

Her belongings were scribbled on with permanent marker. Bags and spare clothing ripped to shreds.

Papers filled with rude words and sentences made to make anyone be afraid of stepping outside ever again. The mirror she saw, showed herself with white running through her black straight hair.

The mirror itself had arrows pointing towards the center, facing down at Ana's face.

'Such a slut'

'Fucking whore'

'What a bitch'

'Ha! Bitches like you get what they deserve'

'Aww, is little Ana going to cry because her boyfriend dumped her?'


'Teacher pet? More like teachers fucking whore!'

Gasping, she hadn't noticed she'd been hyperventilating until she noticed she couldn't feel air coming into her lungs.

Tears threaten to fall as she noticed a figure behind her, one of the girls Ana had given a tough year to was standing over her.

Lips pulled into an entrancing twisted smile as the students glared at Ana through the mirror.

"Told you, you'd get what you'd deserve. Want to know the best part of this all? I didn't have to do anything! The whole school hates you AnA." The girl laughed, mimicking Ana's mumbling voice at the end.


Ana ran out of school that day, no one bothering to care where she ran to. Ana didn't care where she ran away to either, as long as she ran away from everyone's eyes. Running into a far street, into an alley way where she was beaten up by complete strangers.

Her boyfriend was a laughing stock as well, being told he was only into hoes. He ended up picking a fight, causing him to lose his hard worked job as captain of one of the schools sports team, along with a free athletic scholarship he was so close to recieving. Heart shattering as his parents told words of disgust to him, "Such a failure".

Lisa, was being pushed around, because she helped Ana out when it came to bullying others. Lisa received a few injuries from getting pushed down the stairs of a three story building, passing out on the floor without receiving any help as bystanders passed by her, some even stepping on her.

'Funny how your bad desires come running bad to you, isn't it?'

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