#25- 'She's to blame!'

498 22 1

- Coммeɴтѕ αɴd Voтeѕ αre αpprecιαтed★

Even though I'd just came back from my break, it was chaotic. It seemed like several students were being questioned about Y/n's disappearance. What help would they be? It doesn't matter, they didn't love you, l i k e I l o v e y o u.

Heading for the library, I stopped as I heard a familiar voice. To make sure I was right, I listened closer. Pulling my phone out I put it on audio recorder.

"You don't think it's actually our fault she ran away do you?"

Smiling I take a small look behind the wall. It was Ana, and Lisa.

"Of course not! Even if it was it technically isn't our fault. Y/n was pathetic. If she ranaway because we poured paint on her or humiliated her in front of the school, it's her fault." Ana said in distaste.

"Yeah! Don't you think we took it too far though?" Lisa nervously asked, braking into sweat.

"Lisa, just shut up already." Ana replied, ending hers and Lisa's conversation.

Satisfied that I managed to get some of their conversation on audio, I walk past the wall they were standing by.

"Hello ladies, how have you two been while I was gone?" I smiled, it was just the calm before the storm for these two.

"Mr. Terushima! Did you know Y/n ran away!" Lisa exclaimed.

Ana clicked her tongue as she pushed Lisa, "We don't know if she really run away so stop shouting nonsense!"

"Oh my, I hope Y/n is well." If course she is, she's under my care, but no one needs to know that. "I hope you two didn't leave any evidence behind..."

Lisa seemed panicked but Ana didn't, "No that would be really dumb don't you think?" Ana waved her hand dismissing the question.

"Well I'll see you two later."

Waving goodbye, I walk towards the cop that had questioned me earlier. Whispering to him if we could talk in private he agrees.

"What is it Mr. Terushima?"

"I think I know who's bullying Y/n."

Eyes wide as he looks at me, I play the audio. Nodding his head he asks for their names, to which I'm more than happy to give.

"Ana and Lisa, please report to the principal's office. I repeat, Ana and Lisa to the principal's office."

Ana and Lisa shared a look at each other but did as they were directed to. Ana not caring what she was called in for while Lisa seemed to be falling for mind games.

Knocking on the door, they both heard the principal's faint, "Come in." Walking inside, they're both surprised to see two police officers inside too.

"I'm sorry sir, what is this?" Ana cried in her bratty voice.

"Just take a seat you two, we'll start soon."

After showing the officer the recording, he still asked me to show up and question the girls as well. The very thing I was trying to avoid. As I reach the principal's office I knock on the door, removing my glasses from the growing headache.

The door was pushed open by the principal himself, bowing in thank you I stand beside one of officers.

The female officer with a pixie cut slams the desk in front of Lisa. Lisa shaking in her seat, it was easy really, go for the one most likely to break.

"You two are her because you may be an important part of Y/n's disappearance." She claimed as she walked infront of the two.

"We don't know anything." Ana counter, laying one leg over the other.

"That's not what this audio suggest." The officer pulled out her black recorder, pressing play as the two girl's eyes widen when they heard themselves.

"That doesn't show anything!" Ana cried standing up in the officers face.

"Okay then, we talked with several students and they all confessed the second part was true," she said as she asked her male cop partner for a black bag.

She poured the contents onto the desk infront of Ana and Lisa, all being screenshots of Ana spilling milk on Y/n.
When Lisa threw Y/n's food at her. When Ana slapped Y/n right across the face, and of Y/n dripping wet in paint.

I watched in amusement as Ana's eyes began to fill with rage. Ana then turned towards me angrily, "This is all his fault!"

I laughed in disbelief even though it was true, "Me? I'm a teacher Ana, what would I want with my own student?" It wasn't my fault Ana agreed, she could have declined but she chose not to.

"You tricked me!" Ana cried as she tried walking up to me, the male officer next to me grabbing her wrist.

"I did no such thing." I disagreed.

"You seduced me!"

"I seduced you‽ Ana there's many teachers who said you've seduced them."
I replied with judging eyes.

Ana's compurse broke into fear, the female officer turned to Ana asking her if it was true.

"Have you really been Seducing your own teachers Ana?"

Everyone stayed silent, until two people spoke up.

"It's true," both Lisa and the old principal confirmed.

"Ana, you'll be put under temporary imprisonment." Both cops claimed as each grabbed one of her arms, leading her out of the school.

'This is just the beginning'

(Published 8/1/2022)

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