False Rumors ¹⁰

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- Coммeɴтѕ αɴd Voтeѕ αre αpprecιαтed★

The next day, I walked into campus, feeling more eyes on me than usual. I could hear some students whispering things as I passed by, but couldn't make out what they were saying.

Leaving the cafeteria after grabbing some breakfast, I sat down at one of the tables outside. I noticed how none of the other students got anywhere near me.

I could hear some saying my name, coming out in harsh voices directed at me. Just as I was about to ask why they were all looking at me, I felt something dripping down my face.

Eyes wide, I turned as I heard the voices of the other students rise, coming closer with their phones out, recording us.

Ana was standing infront of me, her boyfriend, seemingly trying to calm her down. Raising my head, I saw her hand holding a box of juice over my head.

"Ana what's wrong with you-" I got cut off as I felt my tray getting thrown at me from behind.

"..!" Quickly glancing back, I saw Lisa sitting down on table where I previously had my tray at.

"What's wrong with me!? What the fuck is wrong with you!" Ana screamed at me, eyes filled with rage.

"What are you talking about!?" I asked in panick, watching as the others were making fun of me.

"You're such a bitch! Trying to fuck around with my boyfriend at school while I was being nice to you!" Ana cried, lifting her hand to twist it in my hair, pulling me down.

"I didn't do anything!" I cried, trying to make her hand let go from the grip she had on my hair.

"Didn't do anything," she mocked, "Don't act dumb! There's literally proof of you with my boyfriend in the storage room during science class!" She said, pulling her phone out as she shoved it in my face.

Looking at her phone, it was a post on Instagram, a picture of Ana's boyfriend and me from when he stood between my legs. As she swiped to the next picture, it was of him and I both exsiting the room at the same time, my face flustered. The flustered state wasn't from embarrassment, rather bubbling anger.

Eyes wide, I read the caption:
'Y/n whoring around with her own friend's boyfriend! What a slut!'

There were more than 100 comments, and shared even more. Thousands of likes to the post.

"Ana it's not what it looks like-" I began, getting cut of by the stinging feeling in my cheek. Lifting my hand, I realized I'd just been slapped.

Falling on my knees, I let my hair cover my face. I saw Lisa's shoes as she kicked my side before wlaking towards Ana's side.

" 'Not what it looks like' " Ana said, trying to mimic my voice as she rolled her eyes.

"You fucking bitch! Don't talk to me or my boyfriend again! Understand?" She yelled, letting everyone know. Before she left, I felt her spit on me.

Crying silently, I stood up, heading to the bathroom as I closed the door. Washing my face and hair, I couldn't seem to stop the flow of tears.

Why was all of this happening?

I decided to leave early after the bell rang, not even bothering to head to first period. I couldn't stand the burning glares I'd get from everyone.

PUBLISHED 7/15/2022

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