#19- Shower

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- Coммeɴтѕ αɴd Voтeѕ αre αpprecιαтed★


Terushima's P.O.V

After bringing the food I cooked for Y/n back to her. I told her she could shower after she finished. Digging through the cabinets, I found some old clothes that seemed to fit her.

Laying them down on her lap, I undid her restraint, leading her towards the bathroom. The door didn't have a lock but I told her not to worry.

There was a reason behind that door not having a lock to it. Back then my mother would help me shower whenever I had an injury due to sports. She'd be kind and caring until her mask broke apart and her true colors broke through, she'd threaten to hold my head underwater.

Saying "Get back up or it's your fault you're so weak if you die!"

Hearing the water running did something to me, I always feared whenever I was in a room with another person, especially if I was the one who was showering.

What if I lost control?

The sound of the water falling from the shower head hitting the ground alerted me you were already inside.

I couldn't help but shoved the door open slightly. Checking that you were inside, I stepped into the bathroom too. I silently sat down on the floor beside the tub.

Who knew I'd come back to this house? The very house my father bought when he sent the letter to my mother saying he didn't want anything to do with us anymore.

Memories were always one's suffering, it's poisonous, just like overthing the future.

Resting my head onto my knees as I pulled my legs to my chest I let my eyes close. The water sounding like rain, I always liked rain... it smelled so nice, and the sound was always so peaceful.

Until that one time I fell asleep in the living room. My mother had just gotten back, caught up in a storm, slightly drunk. She picked me up, but instead of setting my down on my bed, she set me down in the tub filled with water.

I woke up terrified, breathe quickening as I'd began to hyperventilate.

The worst part about her was that she didn't need to be drunk to hurt me. I knew that much.

She'd get into the tub above me, pinning me down as I'd kick and try fighting her off, I was just a kid back then.

Standing up from where I had been sitting, I turn looking at the curtains separating Y/n and I. Before I had realized what I had been doing, my hand was already stretching, grabbing hold of one side of the curtain, gripping it tight.

Sliding it open, I saw Y/n, eyes closed as she washed her face. Lifting my leg into the tub quietly, I watched as her eyes widened in fear.

Hand instinctively reaching for the curtain to cover herself. She shoved her hair away from her eyes in a hurry, "Mr. Terushima! What's wrong with you!?"

She didn't continue, and I didn't answer, I threw myself at her. Like a predator hunting it's prey from its last breathe, I grabbed her arms pinning them beside her head as we both slide on the slippery tub.

"Let me go! Please!" Her cries went past my ears. I wasn't even listening to what she was saying the shower head dripping water was controlling my head.

My eyes were blurring... was I crying?

"Terushima let me go!"

Y/n's struggling slowed as we both realized I'd started crying. My grip on her weaked, her eyes were still wide, shocked, nervousness, and fear all present at once.

I'm not a monster! I'm nothing like my mother was!

I pulled myself up apologizing as I left the bathroom. I let myself sit down on the floor infront of the door to the room that used to be mine.

PUBLISHED 7/27/2022

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