41- Driving

191 9 2

- Coммeɴтѕ αɴd Voтeѕ αre αpprecιαтed★

We walked on foot for a long time, the heels of my legs aching as they touched the dirt road. I didn't know how long we walked as I had no way to track the time.

Just as I was about to question where we were headed to, I heard the sound metal and car doors closing. The voices of people chattering and laugher fill the air.

"We're here," was all he said as we began to approach the people, they look scary. Bearded me with large tattoos on their heavily exposed skin, and rotting yellow teeth.

"What can I do for you?" One of them chuckled as Mr. Terushima came within ear reach. The cigarette hanging from the corner of his lip. I watched as he lifted his hand to blow out the air, his finger nails colored black from the dirt.

"Or would you like some help my lady?" He said, glancing over at me as I quickly took hold of Mr. Terushima's shirt, gripping it as I hid behind him.

The old man's hand began to reach for me, and I pressed myself flushed against Mr. Terushima's back.

"Get your damn filthy hands away from her." Mr. Terushima's responded, quickly grabbing hold of the man's arm as he threatened.

"Wow, calm down, I was just playing."

"I need a car, I don't car what type as long as it works, has gas, and I can take right now." Mr. Terushima claimed, going straight to the point.

"Sure sure, come on."

After following the guy, we eventually stumbled upon an old grey car, but it worked even in it's condition. Mr. Terushima paid and we were off.

He told me to get some rest, so I laid my head against the window and tried dreaming of something nice.


When I woke up, it was slightly darker, the clouds rolling in as the sun was about to begin setting down. "Come on," he hurriedly stated, motioning me to follow after him.

I was too worried to run off, I didn't know where this place was, but the alley was surrounding the other end were really dark. I stood slightly behind him as he walked up to a light rose gold door, lifting one of the titles and picking up a key.

He placed the key inside, unlocking the door with a click. I felt my heart beat quicken as he walked through it, looking at me to follow him.

I grabbed his arm, squeezing it as I feared the possibilities. We walked inside, as he locked the door, the lights turned on and it looked like an every day normal house.

"I need you to come over here," I walked after him, "Don't leave this room until I tell you to." Was all he said as he shoved me inside, scrapping the hard ground with my knees.

I heard him locking the door from the outside, as I banged repeatedly on the door, "Wait! Don't go! Please let me out!"

"I don't want to suffer alone..."

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