#35- Evidence

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- Coммeɴтѕ αɴd Voтeѕ αre αpprecιαтed★

Sighing as Kristina and Jake had to wait two days for any feedback on updates of the car license plate, they wait in Kristina's office.

Jake groaned in boredom as he kicked his legs over the coffee table, "They take too long!" He complained, covering his face with the newspaper.

Kristina rolled her eyes at his tantrums, "Why are you always in MY office? You have your own office two doors away from me." 


" 'Becasue' why?" Kristina repeated.

"Just because." Jake smiled underneath the newspaper as Kristina turned around in her chair as to not have him in her line of sight.

Jake chuckled, "I honestly don't really know. I just like spending time with you, you're my partner after all." Jake confessed, lowering his legs from the coffee table and taking off the newspaper from his face.

Kristina turned back around at him, seeing the playful grin plaster on his face. She couldn't help the blush the spread through her cheeks, tinting along the tip of her ears. "Whatever." She playful replied.

"Kristina! Jake!" The male secretary from the front office burst through the door startling the two. "Some evidence was sent in thanks to the license plate you found."

Handing the two a file with papers, it was filled with pictures of the car Terushima drives.

"Any idea where he is or where he went off too?" Jake wonders as Kristina brings the pictures closer to her eyes as she notices a second silhouette in the car.

"No, we lost them around a far highway, they have a lack of cameras so everything goes blank." He explained.

"Wait- Jake doesn't this look like someone is in the passangers seat?" Kristina questioned as she showed him the picture.

Jake nodded as he noticed the cap on the head of a smaller figure compared to Terushima's height. "Do you think it's Y/n?" Jake asked as he and Kristina shared a hopefully, yet worried look.

"If you want you guys could take a look around the place where we lost them. The only thing we know about there is that it's filled with lurking criminals." The secretary advised as he told them to be careful.

"Alright. Thank you, please send us the location on the car's computer." Jake said as he waited for Kristina to grab her vest.

"Done." The secretary replied as he walked away from the two knowing they'd be dead set on looking for the place the minute they received any evidence.

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