Breaking Friendships ⁰⁴

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- Coммeɴтѕ αɴd Voтeѕ αre αpprecιαтed★

Weeks passed since the first day I saw her, she made two close friends. She'd always eat lunch with them, and whenever I had my lunch break I'd go and look after her. Taking a few pictures became a habit when I saw her. She'd be sitting with them during lunch in the grassy area.

She'd spend most of her time with Lisa, and Ana. I didn't like how she'd spend time with others. The only time I didn't mind was whenever it rained, she'd end up coming into my classroom and eat quietly whenever it was too wet to sit outside or her close friends didn't show up.

Whenever she came into my classroom during either of those times, I'd set my phone up, simply recording her. Too bad her friends were head over heals for me, their own teacher; kinda filthy isn't it? Yet why would I let such an excellent opportunity pass me by?

Patiently waiting as I hid behind the walls of the hall, I watched as Y/n's friends were waiting for her to come out of the library. Making sure no one else was around I made my move. Stepping out of my hiding place I walk up to the girls, watching as they stop talking and their eyes widen as they see me approaching them.

"Hello young ladies," I said, flashing them a charming smile as their cheeks both burned in red.

"H- Hello Mr. Terushima! Is there something you need?" They stammered while leaning forward.

"I just wanted to ask you both a favor," I raised my eyebrow as they didn't seem to be bothered at all. "I was wondering if I could speak with you two alone in my classroom." I replied, hoping they'd accept, why wouldn't they anyways?

"Oh- of course sir!" Lisa cheered, eyes sparkling.
"We'd love to help in whatever way we can!" Ana smiled, twirling her hair in her hand.

Having to hold myself back from rolling my eyes at their behavior, I continued, "Great I'll see you later. Oh and by the way just you two, I don't want others to be with you." I said, waving as I walked past them.

I smiled to myslef, eagerly awaiting until after-school so I could carry out my plan. Walking into my empty classroom I sat down. Letting my head fall against the head rest of the chair. Legs apart as I sighed out, unbuttoning the three top buttons of my black dresser shirt.

I just had to wait for those two to come in.

Hearing their voice come closer to my door, I heard them knock.


PUBLISHED 7/11/2022

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