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Btw this story will contain slight gore, violence, homophobia, and domestic abuse. Fun start to a story.💅✨ also to anyone who just started reading the writing gets much better later on.

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Y/n's P.O.V.
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I walk briskly through Diagon Alley with my Hogwarts letter clutched in my left hand. Quickly scanning over my school supplies list, I head into a random bookstore. I look through the shelves, grabbing and purchasing each book that I will need for my first year at Hogwarts.

After double checking the supplies list and paying for my supplies, I head out to Olivander's.

Noticing the stares I am getting, I curse my stupid Father in my head. I knew I should have changed into more casual clothing. But of course not, I have to uphold the Merlin family's reputation. No one would even know if I was a Merlin, if not for this damned suit and gold embroidered cloak.

I complain about this all under my breath as I enter the dusty wand shop.

"Ah, Y/n Merlin. It feels like yesterday that your Father walked through those doors." Olivander reminisces.

I scoff and reply in a harsh tone, "Hopefully I will never be like that Troll of a man. But it's nice to see the inside of your shop for once. Father would not even let me set foot in here in fear of 'bad luck'."

Olivander chuckles, brushing off my rudeness and goes to look for my wand. I spend that time looking around the shop curiously.

"Hmmm, maybe this one." He hands me a long light brown wand, describing it to me as he does, "Alder wood with phoenix feather core, 13 inches, light flexibility."

I gingerly wave the wand and explosions promptly come out. Rushing, I quickly set the  wand down on the counter, very keen on not causing any more explosions. Olivander takes that wand and starts looking for another.

"Curious, very curious, this one might just be the one." Olivander mutters to himself.

He picks up a red and black case and opens it up showing an almost black wand with veins of red running through it. The veins glisten in the light, along with a gem the same red color at the end of the wands black handle.

"Blackthorn wood with dragon heartstring core, 14 inches, medium flexibility. Oh and that is in fact red diamond running through the wand and at the bottom of the handle. Go ahead and try it." Olivander urges me.

He hands me the wand excitedly and I give it a wave. Strands of blue and red light swirl out of the wand and I turn to Olivander giving him back the wand.

He mutters happily and packages the wand back up. I thank him, then pay for the wand and leave to go get a Familiar.

I have absolutely no clue what I want. On one hand an owl would be really useful for sending letters, but a cat would look very elegant and add to my er.....ambiance?? I guess that is what I am going with. A toad would be cute, but that's a big stain on my reputation sadly. So practical or elegant...... Cats shed a lot though, I suppose an owl it is.

My attention is immediately taken out of my thoughts when I run into a shorter boy who looks to be the same age as me or somewhere around it.

I reach out my hand to help him up and he accepts it, giving me a small grateful smile. I hoist him up with ease, hoping that I did not damage him or anything.

"Oh, my sincerest apologies. I was lost in my thoughts and was not watching where I was walking." I apologize and smile politely at him.

Scanning him over I quickly notice his scar and connect the dots on who he is.

"Harry Potter, I presume?" I inquire him.

He nods and I smile smugly to myself. I have always taken pride in staying up to date on everything going on in the wizarding world.

"I'm Y/n Merlin. It is a pleasure to meet you Harry." Introducing myself, I stick out my hand for a handshake.

Harry shakes my hand and grimaces at my tight grip before I let go.

"I must be going as I still have to get an owl and my Father is waiting for me at home." I say, then chuckle and add, "It was great meeting you, I hope to see you this year at Hogwarts."

For the first time in the conversation he speaks with the reply of, "I'll need some friends there, so I hope so too."

I grin at him and laugh slightly, walking away to get an owl.

My days ends with a new potential friend, a cute snowy owl that I named Frost, and an extraordinary looking wand that will be sure to impress Father and shut him up for anything else he tries to nitpick me on.

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