Thomas: What the fuck happened?
Emily: He was harassing me.
Thomas: Are you okay?
Emily: I guess.
Ace: Emily Faye Holder.
Emily: Ace.
Thomas: What did the dude say?
Emily: He called me a whore. He's not half wrong.
Thomas: Em he's wrong.
Emily: My body count is almost 10
And I'm not quite 21 yet.
Thomas: Hall has a higher body count. Josh does for a fact. Nikita is open about hers. Do I need to keep going?
Emily: No.Thomas brings Emily into a hug.
Thomas: You got a little box in the mail earlier. It's in my office.
Emily: Okay.Emily walks upstairs to the office and sees the box that Thomas was talking about and opens it. It has a letter in it. She opens the letter and starts reading.
✨The letter ✨
Hi, Emily I just wanted to let you know you aren't Taylor's real sister. I have the DNA test in the box to prove it. Someone never planned on telling you what a bad brother or not a brother at all.
End of letter.
Emily opens the box the rest of the way and sure enough, there is a DNA test with her and Taylor. It's not a match.
She gets tears to her eyes and falls to the ground. Mia walks into the office in sweats and some underwear. She sits next to Emily and holds her.
Emily: Did you read it?
Mia: Yeah Thomas wanted to know if it was something horrific. I'm so sorry babe.
Emily: Why wouldn't they tell me?
Mia: I don't know. Let's get you some pants on though.Emily puts her underwear on and then the sweats. She then collapses into Mia's arms and they sit on the ground holding each other.
Thomas walks into the room and sits by Emily.
Thomas: Em I'm sorry.
Emily: Why haven't they told me?
Thomas: I don't know.Emily takes her phone and chucks it at the desk. Thomas brings Emily to his chest.
Mia: I'll get her some water.
Mia leaves the room and Emily continues to cry. Thomas gets her to calm down a little bit and Mia walks back into the room.
Mia: The last person you want to see is outside.
Emily: Tell him to go to hell.Emily stands up and goes to her room. She takes everything that Taylor has given her and takes it downstairs in a box. Thomas follows her. She throws the box at Taylor.
Taylor: Emily what the fuck!
Taylor: What the fuck are you talking about?
Emily: I'm not fucking related to you.Emily starts crying again and Thomas hugs her.
Thomas: Theirs a box in my office. Read the letter and look in the box
After that leave, please. She's already a mess and that just adds to everything.Taylor walks upstairs. And after about 5 minutes he walks back downstairs and has tears in his eyes.
Taylor: Em I didn't know. This doesn't change how I look at you as a sister. You are still my sister no matter what.
Emily: I don't want to talk to anybody right now.Taylor leaves and speeds off pissed off.
Emily falls to her knees and curls up into a ball. Thomas sits down next to her and hugs her.
Thomas: You wanna watch a movie with the boys?
Emily: No.Mia walks downstairs and brings Emily's big unicorn. She hands it to Emily and she hugs it.

Something Different
Fiksi PenggemarBook 1 - More than One chance Book 2 - Something Different. Emily Holder has a stalker. That stalker is Christian Plourde. He goes to extreme measures with her. What happens when she gets away for good? What will happen to all her old relationshi...