Jackson joins the boys and Emily sits down next to Mia and watches the guys.
Mia: So which one do you like?
Emily: I don't know. They all are attractive.
Mia: Well I know you've slept with Ace and Kristian. What's going on with you and Jackson? And Bryce.
Emily: Bryce?
Mia: Come on everything time the camera is rolling or if you are out in public. You guys are all touchy.
Emily: Okay Jackson I don't know and Bryce I don't know. We ' dated '
You know it would be weird if I went for one of his friends and if the internet finds out. I would get dragged.
Mia: True. You do have a point. It kinda happened when you started dating josh.
Emily: YepEmily and Mia stand up and start walking along the beach. The water sometimes splashes their feet.
Mia: So who do you think you are related to?
Emily: I don't know. I certainly hope it's not Zach Lugo or Bryce Hall.
Mia: Yeah that would be bad.
Emily: But who knows. I'm phone free and I'm at a beach with the people I love.
Mia: I love you too!Mia hugs Emily and they continue walking.
Emily: Looks like someone is getting taken away.
Thomas runs up to the girls and he takes Mia's hand.
Mia: Hi Baby.
Thomas: Hi. What are you guys talking about?
Emily: Nothing much.
Thomas: Ready?
Mia: Yeah.Thomas and Mia walk back and grab their things. Emily continued walking as Thomas and Mia leave. Ace runs over to Emily.
Ace: Hey you okay?
Emily: Yeah. I'm just clearing my head.
Ace: Okay.
Emily: What?
Ace: Nothing.Ace runs back to the boys and Emily starts walking back. When she gets back she sits down and watches the sun start to set. Bryce walks over to her.
Emily: You okay?
Bryce: Yeah. Came to get a water bottle.Bryce grabs a water bottle and sits down.
Emily: So Mia and I were talking. We act like we are dating when we are out in public or when the Camera is on. What are we doing?
Bryce: I don't know Em.
Emily: Neither do I.Emily stands up and starts walking to the car when Bryce follows her.
Bryce: What do you want?
Emily: I don't know.
Bryce: Neither do I.
Emily: Maybe I am ready for a relationship but I don't want to hurt anyone.
Bryce: Who said it had to be with me? You get to choose. We don't.
Emily: I know.Emily grabs a button-up shirt and realized it was Blake's.
Emily: Oh.
Bryce: What?
Emily: The button-up I just grabbed is Blake's.
Bryce: It looks good on you.
Emily: Thanks.A couple hours later they all go home and Emily walks into Thomas's office and grabs the box again. Thomas shortly walks in.
Emily: If I asked for something would you help me?
Thomas: Yeah anything.
Emily: I want to find who I'm related to.
Thomas: Okay.
Emily: Can we leave early in the morning. I want Mia to be the only one that knows.
Thomas: Yeah. Are we going to Texas?
Emily: Yeah. I need answers. Taylor didn't know or he claimed he didn't.
Thomas: Alright let's go tell Mia.They walk to Thomas's and Mia's room.
Mia: What's wrong?
Thomas closes the door.
Emily: I asked Thomas to help me find out who I'm related to.
Mia: You have to go to Texas?
Emily: Yeah.
Mia: Go ahead.
Emily: We leave early in the morning.
Mia: Don't want the guys to find out?
Emily: No not really.

Something Different
FanfictionBook 1 - More than One chance Book 2 - Something Different. Emily Holder has a stalker. That stalker is Christian Plourde. He goes to extreme measures with her. What happens when she gets away for good? What will happen to all her old relationshi...