Rocky laughs and Emily turns the music up.
Emily: Wanna go see the house?
Rocky: the house you were talking about with Tayler?
Emily: Yeah. I wanna know what's all there still.
Rocky: You're driving.
Emily: You don't get to tell Tayler.
Rocky: After what happened tonight not a chance. What about that Jaden guy?
Emily: He gave me his spare keys.Emily smirks and starts driving. She finally pulls up to Sway and it's dark. She looks at Rocky and he's already looking at her.
Rocky: Are you sure?
Emily: Nope.Emily turns the car off and gets out. Rocky follows her lead. Emily takes out Jaden's spare keys and they wall up the house.
Rocky: This place is nice.
Emily: Yeah. The kitchen is my favorite part.Emily pulls Rocky to her and links their arms. They walk up to the door and Emily unlocks it.
Emily tries the lights and they turn on.
Rocky: Thought nobody lived here.
Emily: I will have to ask Josh.
Josh: Ask Josh what?Emily freaks out and yelps and holds on to Rocky as he pulls her close. Josh walks in behind them.
Emily: Did you follow me?
Josh: Did you forget I used to date you? I know you like the back of my hand Em.
Rocky: Ex?
Emily: One of them.
Josh: Hey man I'm Josh.
Rocky: Rocky.They shake hands and Emily walks into the living room.
Emily: Everything is still the same.
Josh: Other than the rooms besides Bryce's.
Emily: He still has my clothes?
Josh: Go check for yourself. When we met up over the summer I started paying for the place again.
And I figured if he gave you the house then everything would still be here.Emily starts walking and Rocky follows her. Josh goes to the kitchen.
Rocky: Is this his room?
Emily: Yeah...Emily walks into his closet and her clothes are all folded nicely and neatly. Her hoodies are hung up and her shoes have their own little cubby.
Rocky: Why does it seem you were here more than anywhere else?
Emily: Cause I was. You can go wait in the car. I want to talk to Josh.
Rocky: Are you sure?
Emily: Yeah.Rocky nods and Emily hands him his keys as they walk out of the room. He walks outside as Emily walks to the kitchen.
Josh: Where is your bodyguard?
Emily: He's not my bodyguard. Tayler had one of his fits and since I don't have my car he let me drive his.
Josh: Are you okay? Did he hit you?
Emily: No he didn't.
Josh: How are you holding up?
Emily: I don't know.Josh walks over and hugs Emily.
Josh: I know you don't like me very much these days but I do still care for you... And you still have to care for me cause you are still hugging me.
Emily: Don't ruin it.Josh chuckles and lets Emily go.
Emily: I'm golfing tomorrow.
Josh: Blake told me. You can't golf.
Emily: I can learn!
Josh: I already tried teaching you. You kept giggling and wiggling.

Something Different
FanfictionBook 1 - More than One chance Book 2 - Something Different. Emily Holder has a stalker. That stalker is Christian Plourde. He goes to extreme measures with her. What happens when she gets away for good? What will happen to all her old relationshi...