Emily: Yeah. I miss those times... Back to my crush. How did you know?
Phillip: It was obvious!
Emily: That was 5th grade.
Phillip: It was middle school too. You were always hanging by my side. Tayler hated it. You also got very red every time I looked at you.
Emily: You just let me think you didn't know!
Phillip: Bryce came along in like 8th grade and it went away. But you still hung out with me.
Emily: It didn't go away until you got with Abby.
Phillip: That was my senior year.
Emily: I know then you went off to college and you guys broke up and I started getting more closer to Bryce and soon I moved to L.A.
Phillip: I would've never guessed you had a crush on me after your 5th-grade year.
Emily: I got good at hiding my emotions until I started drinking.
Phillip: You still drink.
Emily: Not as I used to.Phillip gets stopped at a red light and finally looks at Emily.
Phillip: Is there something else that is bothering you?
Emily: No why?
Phillip: You've been doing this thing with your leg and you won't stop picking at your nails.
Emily: I'm just tired...
Phillip: wanna get something from McDonald's?
Emily: You can if you want.
Phillip: I'm not worried about myself. Do you want something?
Emily: Don't worry about me.
Phillip: Emily Faye Holder.
Emily: Phillip I don't know your middle name Jordan.
Phillip: Good. It's staying that way. Now, what do you want?
Emily: I'm fine.Phillip shakes his head and pulls into a McDonald's Drive-thru.
Emily: You don't listen.
Phillip: Thanks I know. Now, what do you want?
Emily:... Oreo McFlurry with fries.
Phillip: Now that wasn't so hard.Emily smacks Phillip and he starts laughing as he drives up to the menu.
After ordering and driving back to Phillip's they finish eating.
Phillip: I have a spare room you can sleep in. It's right next to my room. I'll keep my door open okay?
Emily: Okay. Thank you for all of this today.
Phillip: You're welcome.Phillip hugs her and she hugs him back. Emily pulls away and Phillip walks her to the spare room.
Phillip: Extra blankets and pillows in the closet. Theirs a clock on the nightstand. Bathroom across the hall. My room is right next door a little down the hall. Do you need anything?
Emily: I'm fine thank you. You can go to bed. You look very tired.
Phillip: Ah don't worry about me.Phillip leaves the room and walks to his. Emily pulls the covers on the bed back and gets in. She lies down.
She finally fell asleep but only for an hour before she was up and panicking. She wakes up with tears in her eyes and wipes them away and walks to the bathroom. She does her business and washes her hands. She takes deep breaths and splashes her face with cold water before going back to the spare room.
Once she's back in the spare room she lays back down and tries to go back to sleep. She sleeps maybe another hour before she wakes up from a nightmare and has years down her face again.
She checks the clock beside her and it's only 3:12. She gets up and goes to the living room and starts watching tv. Phillip comes out a couple of minutes later.
Phillip: Em?
Emily: It's me. Sorry for waking you.
Phillip: No it's okay.Phillip sits by Emily and finally looks at her tear-stained face.
Phillip: Hey what's wrong?
Emily: It was a nightmare. I'm okay now.
Phillip: How much sleep have you gotten?
Emily: Maybe 2.
Phillip: You can't function for 2 hours.Phillip pulls Emily to his chest and wraps a blanket around her.
Phillip: You are used to someone cuddling you or being in the same bed as you. That's what you are used to, isn't it?
Emily: yeah...
Phillip: Go to sleep.
Emily: I can try.

Something Different
FanfictionBook 1 - More than One chance Book 2 - Something Different. Emily Holder has a stalker. That stalker is Christian Plourde. He goes to extreme measures with her. What happens when she gets away for good? What will happen to all her old relationshi...