Tayler runs upstairs and tries to open Emily's door had is locked.
Kayden: What's going on?
Rocky: What's all the yelling?
Tayler: Em please open the door. Talk to me!
Chreesh: She will find out she's not alone.
Kayden: Lane is in there.
Tayler: EMILY DON'T MAKE ME CALL JADEN OR BLAKE.In the room with Emily.
Emily slams the door and sits on the floor by her bed and nightstand by the wall. She hears the shower turn off and she sighs. A half-naked Lane walks out of the bathroom.
Lane: What's going on?
Emily: Nothing.
Lane: Em you're crying and Tayler is worried.Emily stands up and hugs Lane.
Tayler: TELL HER TO COME TO TALK TO ME LATER.You hear a couple of pairs of feet walk away and Lane sits Emily down before letting Kayden and Rocky in the room. They close the door behind them and Emily curls up in a ball on her bed.
Rocky: You okay?
Emily: Can someone cuddle me?
Kayden: Call it!
Rocky: It's not a competitionKayden lays on Emily's bed and pulls her to his chest.
Emily: You smell good.
Kayden: Thanks.
Lane: Where's Jayden and Konnor?
Kayden: They went to walk around.
Rocky: Princess what's wrong?
Emily: I got a flashback. Can someone get Tayler, please?
Rocky: Of course.Rocky walks out of the room and Emily turns towards Kayden he wipes her tears.
Rocky comes back with Tayler and Emily gets up and hugs Tayler.
Tayler: What's wrong?
Emily: I got a flashback.Tyler walks into the room after them
Tyler: Emily I'm sorry.
Emily: It's okay. You didn't know
Tayler: Em you have to talk to me.
Emily: I know and I'm trying.Tayler continues to hold her. Lane walks into the bathroom.
Tayler: We don't have to go out tonight.
Emily: No you can go. I'm gonna stay here.
Tyler: I mean Chreesh can't come so she won't be alone.
Emily: Just go. Go get readyEmily pushes Tayler, Tyler, Rocky, and Kayden out of her room and closes the door behind her. Lane walks out of the bathroom still in his towel and walks up behind Emily. He pulls her into the bathroom and closes the door behind him.
Emily: What are you doing?
Lane: I'm taking your mind off everything.
Emily: No let me wallow in my bed.
Lane: Let me take your mind off things.
Emily: What do you have in mind?
Lane: Stop talking.Lane pulls Emily to him and sets her on the counter. Lane puts his hands on Emily's hips and she wraps her legs around Lane's waist.
Lane: May I?
Emily: Yeah.Lane pulls Emily Into a kiss and they start making out. Emily wraps her arms around Lane's neck and starts playing with his hair. He puts his hands under Emily's shirt and lifts it over her head. They continue to kiss. Emily pulls Lane closer to her and goes to take his towel when Kayden walks into the bathroom.
Kayden: Damn!
Lane: Haven't you heard of knocking?Emily giggles and jumps off the counter before taking Kayden's shirt in his hands and putting it on.
Kayden: That's mine.
Emily: Mine now.
Lane: I guess I better get dressed.Kayden leaves the bathroom after he gets the Cologne he lent to Jayden. Lane closes the door after Kayden leaves and Emily sits back on her bed.

Something Different
FanfictionBook 1 - More than One chance Book 2 - Something Different. Emily Holder has a stalker. That stalker is Christian Plourde. He goes to extreme measures with her. What happens when she gets away for good? What will happen to all her old relationshi...