Chapter 5: Is this your move

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"Is that your move?" Tracey asked, smiling knowingly, "drop your head so that my arm across your shoulders is more snug around your neck?"

Ginni blushed, but gestured to her arm around him, that had brought him closer to her. "Worked, didn't it?" He said proudly.

"Hm," Tracey said but didn't deny it. She was starting to feel something for this blond nuggety boy. Maybe her brother had been right to drag her along to the Elvis movie with them.

"Do you want to see my move?" Trent chirped from his seat and with his choc top that he'd eaten all the chocolate off, dipped it head first in the popcorn on Tracey's lap.

The choc top was now adorned with bits of popcorn stuck into the melting ice-cream.

"Trent! Gross!" Tracey cried, shoving him away.

Trent just grinned and happily ate his popcorn coated ice cream.

Tracey shook her head and ate a delicate mouthful of popcorn, but Ginni was secretly impressed. It was a good move. He wished he'd thought of that.

Halfway through the movie, right as it got scary, Tracey jumped up, squeaked "coke needs returning to sender" and darted out of the cinema.

Ginni whimpered, his snuggle buddy gone, leaving him cold and lonely. He stared at the screen, frightened, and quickly moved to Tracey's seat, grabbing Trent's hand and intertwining their fingers.

"It's okay, Gin," Trent murmured soothingly, squeezing his friend's hand. "He's only been drafted to the army. He'll be okay."

"I want him to keep making music," Ginni sobbed, resting his head on Trent's shoulder.

"He dies at the end," Amelia whispered from Trent's other side, laughing cruelly.

Ginni burst into tears, burying his face in Trent's puffy jacket.

"So this is your move? Latch on to someone else while I'm in the toilet?" Tracey said jokingly, sitting down in Ginni's old seat.

Prying himself from Trent, Ginni turned to his date and took her hand instead, which was wet and smelled like soap. "Never," he whispered. "I'm all yours, babe."

"Can't help falling in love with you," Tracey murmured.

Ginni opened his mouth to reply but quickly shut up and paid attention to the movie when someone behind them hissed, "little less conversation, losers."

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