Chapter 23 - Blind Faith

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"Here, wear it like this," Jack Ginnivan whispered, pushing Trent's Nike headband down to cover his eyes. "And then we do blind tests."

"It's not just an extension of the game we played last night, is it," Trent drawled. "Penis or not penis."

Ginni chuckled. "Maybe later," he said, "Good idea though."

"We're here to watch the footy," Trent reminded him, gesturing with his arms to where Collingwood was on the field playing Carlton in a preseason game.

"It's just a praccy match," Ginni said dismissively. "No Ginni, no care."

"That means you don't care about rounds 1 or 2—" Trent said.

Ginni interrupted with his fingers on Trent's lips. "Shhh Trenna," he murmured. He reached into his bag, pulled out a bag of chips and—

"Lots of rustling," Trent said.

"Gotta get it—" Ginni grunted before popping open the bag. "Got it." He took a handful of chips and brought them closer to Trent, poking some in Trent's mouth. "Guess the flavour."

"If this is something I'm allergic to—- oh OHHHH," Trent said, as the flavour hit him in a big way. "Spicy, spicy, spicy!"

"This is an easy one," Ginni said, munching on some of the chips.

"Chilli," Trent groaned. "Spicy." He whimpered. "I hope the next one is an ice-cream."

"Ah, just wait," Ginni said, and dashed off, leaving Trent sitting there waving his arms around.

"Ginni? Ginni, where'd you go?" Trent cried out. "I think I finally get how Mason felt." Shifting his blindfold up a bit, he dazedly tried to take in the football game but it was difficult, with the recent sacking and the sunlight so bright after being in complete darkness...

Trent choked on a sob. "You're happy now," Trent whispered to himself, "You're at a nice accounting firm with nice people. You're happy now." It was his mantra to himself. Over and over. Over and—

Ginni plonked down next to him. "Ah ah, no peeking!" Ginni shouted, pulling Trent's headband down over his eyes. He shook up the drink in his hand. "Can't get ice-cream at this hellhole so I'll shake up some milk."

"I hope you got a no added sugar one," Trent mumbled, thinking of his beyonce bum that he inherited from his dad.

"Well, you know the thing with the no added sugar," Ginni explained, "They put the sugar in first, then add all the ingredients, and so they never actually added the sugar." He smirked. "Your love of Dare iced coffee is based on a lie."

"That's not right—" Trent tried to protest, before Ginni put the milk drink to Trent's lips and poured it down.

"Guess the flavour, Trenna," Ginni said wickedly, as Trent proceeded to cough and choke on the liquid, "And for Fly's sake, learn to swallow."

Trent forced himself to swallow, savouring the flavour of the milk. "It's.... Yum," he said, licking his lips. "More please."

"It's not Darcy Moore," Ginni said, and handed Trent the bottle of milk for him to drink at his own pace.

"It's..." Trent said, swishing the liquid around his mouth, letting it cool his mouth from the spicy chips. "It's... coffee." He frowned. "Should I guess what level of espresso? Triple?"

"No, no, it's coffee with hints of..." Ginni prompted, excitedly. He grabbed the bottle and took a swig of it himself. "Yeah, you can really taste the..."

Trent took back the bottle and guzzled a huge mouthful. He thought about it. "Hints of... wattleseed?"

"No, a fruit," Ginni said, "Remember, first day back this year, I threw it at you in the locker room—"

"Mandarin," Trent groaned, spraying out milk. "Ginni, please, I'm still scarred..."

"Speaking of scarred..." Ginni said, and pulled out another bag of chips, rustling around for a good minute or so, before getting them opened. "Guess these bad boys."

Trent sighed. But he was kinda grateful for Ginni's distractions. It was too early for him to get back into football.


Credits: "penis or not penis" is an actual game from Please Like Me, season 3 episode 7 "Puff Pastry Pizza". Highly recommend.

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