Chapter 26 - Post Game Pashes

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***this is set just after the big blockbuster Brisbane vs Collingwood Easter Thursday game which obviously Trent and Ginni are both playing in****

Amelia played by this TB Threads model

Amelia played by this TB Threads model

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"Wow you look gorgeous," Trent noted, eyebrows raised as he met his girlfriend after the game.

Amelia just blushed. "It's your TB threads trackies," she said dismissively.

"Maybe that's why," Trent breathed seductively and pulled her in for a kiss.

"Ugh PDA!" Ginni cried, coming up to them and slapping a hand on Trent's back.

"You literally just proposed to your girlfriend in front of 100,000 at an Ed Sheeran concert," Amelia drawled, rolling her eyes.

"Yeah that was the most public display of affection," Trent pointed out.

Ginni just grinned. "It was pretty special, wasn't it," he said, relishing any chance he got to talk about it. "What was better: Ed inviting us on stage or when he let us consummate in his dressing room?"

"Neither of those things happened," Amelia groaned.

"Well, we don't know, we left before them..." Trent said uncertainly.

"I mean it's obviously not true," Amelia argued, defiantly. "He's making it up!"

Trent glanced at his best friend, eyes wide. "No, why would he do that?" Trent asked naively and turned back to his girlfriend, firmly shaking his head. "It's all true, Amelia."

Amelia just sighed. Just another time where he would pick his best friend over her. "I think I'll go over there and talk to Arlette," she said defeated. "She'll have something interesting to say." And with that, she disappeared into the throng of Collingwood fans.

"Great, see ya," Ginni said cheerily, and moved closer to Trent, arms around his waist, breath warm on Trent's face. "Whatcha doing tonight?"

"Just go home, have some dinner and an early night," Trent said simply.

Ginni kissed the stubble starting to form on Trent's face. "Mm," he murmured, "Easter break, I'd love to channel some Jesus energy and get nailed for three days straight and come back more."

"I don't want to know about you and Trace—" Trent started, his face screwed up in disgust.

"I meant you, silly," Ginni interrupted.

"Aren't you engaged? We can't do this any more—" Trent said.

Ginni sighed, resting his head on Trent's shoulder. "I can do both," he said quietly.

Trent felt himself go hard. He wrapped his arms around Ginni, pulling him closer. "My room or yours?" He murmured.

"We can do both," Ginni answered. "Got a whole plane ride back to melbz to amuse ourselves."

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