chapter 56 - dream jobs

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"These came through on ASIC, we were only a day late in lodging—"

"Trent," the boss said firmly. "We require your presence at the mediation on Wednesday."

Trent rocked back on his heels. "Mediation?" He cried. "Look, I'm sorry, I checked what needed to be lodged on Monday and forgot all about it until—"

"Not about this," the boss said sternly. "we've got other things to talk about." She took the ASIC late fee notices from Trent's hand and waved a hand in dismissal.

Wow, Trent thought. He marvelled at how lightly he'd gotten off for two $93 ASIC late fees.

"Get me a water and one shot espresso," the boss called after him.

"Oh yes of course," Trent said and busied himself in the kitchen preparing her drinks. He brought them to her and almost skipped away, all his overnight worries and stress washing away.

Trent felt very productive, sending off tax returns and ATO correspondence, and even fit in time for a quick read of a client's new book.

He called Ginni on his lunch break, giddy with excitement.

"I miss eating lunch with you, Ginni," Trent gushed as soon as Ginni answered the phone.

"You'll have to speak up, I'm wearing a towel," Ginni replied.

Trent frowned. "Are you showering without me?" He moaned, thinking of their days at Collingwood together.

"Trent, we haven't showered together for a long time," Ginni reminded him. "Remember? I'm engaged to your sister?"

Trent just pouted. He'd been so consumed with work lately and striving to please the boss that he'd forgotten his other troubles. "Yeah I know," Trent grumbled. "Plus you're a hawk now…"

"I know, it's a dream come true!" Ginni chirped happily. "Me and Tracey have been trying on all my old Hawks gear from when I was a kid."

"You sound happy," Trent mumbled sadly.

"Trent, this could be you as well," Ginni pointed out. "You have other options, Cal's here as well, you can join us. You don't have to spend your whole life working for that psycho. It's an employee's market out there."

Trent opened his mouth to reply but his desk phone buzzed, the boss' name flashing up on the screen. "Speaking of…" he said wryly. "duty calls."

"Think about it, Trent," Ginni urged. "Think about yourself—" Ginni's voice was cut off as Trent hung up and answered the call from his boss. 

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