chapter 59 - am I another sucker? then leave so easy

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Author's note: I swear, this inspiration for this fic came from a dream I had last night and nothing that has actually happened irl. But it could happen. My boss is the type to point out flaws, how dare Trent only bring four biscuits when she asked for 6.... (Wait did I just admit that my irl boss is the same as fictional Trent's fictional boss in this fictional story???? My bad)

“There's only four biscuits,” the boss said, frowning at the plate on her desk.

Trent jumped, too busy thinking about all the offers he'd received to train with a football club. “What?” He said.

“I said half a dozen,” the boss said, “I can only see four.”

“Oh!” Trent cried. He scuttled back to the kitchen and grabbed the biscuit container, and tipped two more choc chip cookies onto the boss' plate.

“Okay great,” the boss said, turning her attention back to the laptop.

Trent was dismissed and he wandered back into the open plan. He could train with Carlton, that could be interesting, Trent mused as he typed up the tax return covering letter. He could use his dad's old locker…

But then there was the offer from Hawks, the letter arriving last night in Ginni's handwriting, a rainbow selection of crayons used, listing all the reasons for him to be a hawk.

And what about the dogs, Trent thought with a wry smile as he calculated 10% of the previous invoice, all that dogs gear that Amelia stuffed in the back of her wardrobe. 

Sure, Amelia's footy gear was all a women's size but Trent could squeeze into it. He'd seen how hot Ginni looked in his child size hawks clothing.

Oh and then there was interstate, a text message from his old friend Matt—

The phone rang shrilly and Trent jumped up, knocking over a stack of files and reached to answer it. The boss' name flashed on the screen.

“Hello?” Trent said upon answering.

“Could you get me— oh no it could be here— wait yeah get the file for– oh it's okay, I've found it, it's next to me,” the boss said and hung up.

Trent just blinked a few times and sat down in his chair, his head swimming. Okay, back to this invoice. He imagined himself moving to the gold coast, he could stay with Matt and Noah, or one of his dad's investment properties—

“Do I add an extra amount for the amended BAS?” Trent wondered out loud and then dismissed it. They were already charging the client enough for a simple trust and two individuals.

And then there was the offer from Fremantle, the chance to move to his dad's old state. Technically Trent would be a prince there, just like his dad.

He thought about the country low-key lifestyle of Perth, going to the beach every day, and he's heard Curtin University had a good CPA program, maybe he could be allowed to reinvigorate his accounting career—

But would his boss let him move to another state? Trent wondered bitterly. He was the only admin worker in the office which seemed like he was needed but was he really? He was the only one not doing accounting work.

The boss was cracking down on work lately, making sure everyone was finishing tax returns and getting them billed each week…

If Trent was only here to make the boss' coffee and file papers… his days here were limited anyway.

The royal life of a Prince of Perth beckoned…

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