Chapter 36 - traitors among us

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"Tracey!" Ginni cried, coming in the door and tearing through the kitchen, "Nooooo!"

Tracey paused, her homemade kebab paused halfway to her mouth. "What?"

Ginni dived, hands outstretched, and knocked the kebab out of Tracey's hands. 

"Jack!" Tracey exclaimed. "My dinner!" She stared forlornly at the kebab on the ground, contents spilling.

"I saved you," Ginni said breathlessly. 

"Jack…" Tracey groaned. "is this another of those things where packaged lettuce contains spiders?"

"No, the lettuce was fine, I had that for lunch," he said.

"Then…what?" Tracey said, staring incredulously at her boyfriend. 

"The wrap," Ginni said, nodding at the floor kebab and then at the packet that Tracey had left on the bench. "it's Mission brand."

"So? It was on special," Tracey defended, scowling. "Plus it's really good—"

"Noooooo," Ginni moaned, covering his ears. "Stop it, that's the enemy this week."

"The… enemy?" Tracey asked, baffled. She bent down to retrieve the kebab and Ginni dived at her, pushing her away from it.

"They made it," Ginni murmured, staring fearfully at the kebab. "Down at their kennel laboratory."

"Jack," Tracey said, sighing, and used her strength to push Ginni off. She picked up the kebab and took it into the kitchen to salvage what she could. "It's just a wrap." She laughed.

Ginni stared at her from where he was sprawled on the floor. "Tracey, it's not just a wrap," he argued. "It resembles everything evil and sinister about that club." His eyes widened as he saw Tracey reach for another Mission wrap and growled, "Don't you dare."

Tracey just laughed again. "This obsession you have with certain brands is insane," she said, making another wrap and taking a bite. "Remember that week when I bought Mars bars as a treat and you made me put them in the neighbour's septic tank?"

"That's where they belong," Ginni muttered through gritted teeth.

"But you love Mars bars, I've seen you crave them because of that line down the centre which you think resembles a d—"

"There's a time and place for everything," Ginni interrupted loudly.

"The time and place for mission wraps is now and right here," Tracey said with a smirk, eating her fresh kebab eagerly. 

"You can't be serious," Ginni groaned from the floor, feeling tears in his eyes. He felt crushed, defeated, there was no hope…

"Get up, Ginni, and come have some dinner," Tracey chirped, oblivious to the emotional turmoil that her boyfriend was going through. "Here, I'll make you one. They're yum!"

Ginni's heart almost broke in two, and he slowly picked himself off the floor and dragged his body to the guest room. 

There was no way he could sleep in the same bed this week as a Mission wrap eater.

Author's note: happy pies vs dogs week!!!!! Tune in to the other fanfiction website for more Mexican goodness where Bailey Smith uses a mission wrap as a courtship device. (Not written yet but if this gets enough favourites then I'll do it)

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