Chapter 18 - meet Daisy

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"Ginni," Trent greeted, "meet Daisy."

Ginni turned from the mirror in his locker, eyes wide, as he beheld his best friend walking toward him holding a newborn baby. 

"Trent," Ginni murmured in disbelief, "you... you had a baby." He paused. "Wait, is it mine? From when we..."

Trent just laughed. "No!" He cried, amused. "Ginni, no, this is my sister. Daisy Claire." He smiled lovingly down at Daisy.

"Oh," Ginni said, coming closer, his hand hovering near Daisy's dark curls. "I didn't realise your dad's new wife was pregnant."

But Trent shook his head, his own curls going in his eyes. "No, turns out Shae is barren," he said sadly. "Daisy is my mum and dad's."

"That's... awkward," Ginni said, unsure what to think. "Soooo. Is your mum back in town?"

"Yeah," Trent said excitedly. "Shae's so pissed off, she's only just married my dad and already he's sickeningly in love with my mum again. It really is sick."

Ginni chuckled. He lent close to the baby. "Hi Daisy, I'm your uncle Jack," he cooed loudly in Daisy's ear. He looked up at Trent's face, reaching out to tuck a curl behind Trent's ear. "We could take care of a baby."

"Us two?" Trent said doubtfully.

"Yeah," Ginni whispered, his eyes intense as he looked into Trent's eyes. "We'd be the best dads."

Trent opened his mouth and then frowned. "No, Gin, you're with Tracey and I'm with... with Amelia," he choked out. "We couldn't... I mean, we'd have to..."

Ginni just shrugged. "Yeah you're right, it was just a suggestion," he said dismissively. His face brightened. "Let's show Daisy all the places we like to make out." And he was off like a rocket, running from the room.

Sighing, Trent headed after Ginni, clutching Daisy in his arms. He knew it was only a matter of time before he'd have to get Daisy back to his mum for a nap and a feed.

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