chapter 58 - happy rookie draft day!!!!

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Blinking sleep from his eyes, the last snatches of his dream of pulling on the navy blue disappearing, Trent reached for his phone on the bedside table.

Ignoring the several photos from Ginni that he knew were just Ginni in compromising positions wearing Hawks gear, Trent opened up the live draft tracker. 

He scrolled through the names, heart in mouth, until he reached the bottom.

“I guess there's always the rookie draft,” Trent said out loud. Oh great, now he was talking to himself. This time off an AFL list was messing with his head. Either that or working for…

Smiling as he noticed he still had a few more hours till his alarm went off, Trent rolled over and drifted off into another dream, this time a memory…


“Mum?” Trent asked, cautiously stepping into the kitchen where his mum was standing there unmoving.

She didn't look at him. “I'll get dinner ready soon, Trent, just—”

Trent edged closer, noting that his mum was clutching a piece of paper. Tears rolled down her face. “Mum,” Trent said softly. “Has Dad cheated again?”

His mum smiled at that, turning part of the way toward Trent. “It's not him, he's much better now—”

Trent got a glimpse of the writing on the piece of paper, the words “to creepy Fasolo fangirl, you failed, see ya bitch” making him stumble. “Who— who's that from?” He asked, gulping. 

“Oh, no, don't worry,” his mum murmured, crumpling up the letter and managing a smile through her tears. “What do you want for dinner? I'll make you your favourite burger lasagna?”

“Yes please!” Trent cried eagerly, forgetting his worries over the farewell letter


Trent woke with a start, dripping sweat and breathing hard. He hadn't dreamt about his mother for ages. What brought this on? He had thought all that therapy was helping.

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