Chapter 44 - DnM's with milo

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"No, Milo, not today, I'm trying to watch my figure," Jack Ginnivan stated sadly.

"Jack?" Tracey asked, rounding the corner into the kitchen and seeing her boyfriend looking at the items in the pantry. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, no, I'm just..." Ginni started, flustered. He flashed a big grin, composed himself. "Just having deep and meaningful's with my friend Milo tin here."

Tracey blinked. "Okay," she said uncertainly.

"This can't be the weirdest thing you've seen," Ginni defended.

"Well I did grow up living with Trent," Tracey conceded with a chuckle. "The things my brother would do. He took after dad for sure. Barely a brain cell between them."

"Bianco?!!!?!!??!" Ginni asked, eyes widening.

"Yes, my brother," Tracey insisted quickly, trying to deflect that she was a Bianco too. "Trent. You know him, you play football with him."

"Yes yes, I know him," Ginni said grinning. He grabbed a handful of dried paw paw and sat at the kitchen table, legs crossed. "Tell me stories about old mate Trenna."

"Oh um sure," Tracey said, sitting down on the other chair opposite Ginni. She reached over to pluck a snack from Ginni's palm and chewed it thoughtfully. "Well, one time, he fell asleep in a bathtub."

Ginni's eyes widened and he threw his head back, laughing hysterically.

Tracey giggled. "He hates this story and says it's not funny," she said.

"Of course it's funny," Ginni cried, slapping his leg. "He would've woken up wet! This is hilarious!"

"I know right," Tracey said grinning. "I knew it would be a crowd pleaser."

Ginni jumped up and grabbed the Milo tin and his Bluey mug. "I think I've worked off enough calories with that story to deserve this," he said.

"Make me one too!" Tracey exclaimed.

"You got it!" Ginni answered, grabbing Tracey's "bitch I'm fabulous" mug and heaping tablespoons of Milo into both mugs. "How many marshmallows?"

"Two pink and one white," Tracey replied eagerly.

Ginni took a handful of marshmallows and shoved them in his mouth. He peered inside the bag. "There's only two pink left and they're mine," he mumbled while munching marshmallows.

"Give me one," Tracey pouted.

"Nope," Ginni said, stirring hot milk into the mugs. He placed three white marshmallows on Tracey's saucer and handed it to her. Then carried his own, laden with three pink marshmallows, to sit opposite her.

She reached out a hand and he pushed it away. "You said there were only two!" Tracey cried. "Gimme!"

"I miscounted," Ginni said with a shrug, taking a sip of his Milo. "More Trent stories please."

Tracey sighed, defeated, but obliged in regaling her boyfriend with more funny stories about Trent.

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