Chapter 35 - yoghurt bread part 2

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Credit for the header photo: @kaatieee27 on twitter, dated Monday 12th February, 

"Was the yoghurt meant to ooze out from the middle?"

"It was like yoghurt between two bits of bread."

"Crisp burnt bread, soggy middle."

"Guys, shut up about my dad's flatbread!" Trent cried, unable to take it any more. "It was his first time making it!"

"He said he'd made it once before," Ginni pointed out.

"So?" Trent argued. "He's doing really well with the cooking and we should be really glad it's him and not Shae."

"Shae never experimented making bread with just flour and yoghurt," Tracey said smirking.

"She never experimented at all, her meals are just boiled vegetables and overcooked meat," Trent countered.

"At least it's edible though," Amelia added quietly. "The flatbread your dad served me was just mush and the egg on top was all yolk. I'm not allowed to eat yolk in my diet."

"You don't need a diet, Amelia," Trent whispered. "You're—"

"Trent, I think we both could lose a few kilo," Amelia said, pointedly looking at Trent's chunky thighs and the rolls on his stomach.

Trent blushed red and sat up straight, crossing his legs under him.

"The flatbread was more like pancakes and needed maple syrup and ice-cream rather than mango chutney," Ginni put in, getting back on the topic of Alex's cooking.

"I bet we could try them like that," Tracey suggested, "I think Alex has some leftovers in the fridge."

Ginni grinned. "Who's up for dessert?" He asked, and burst from Trent's bedroom, the others warily following.

They made their way to the kitchen and opened the fridge, all of them gazing in, eyes searching for the leftover flatbread.

"Maybe he had this idea before us," Trent said, shrugging. "Dad is a genius after all."

"Or he realised how soft and burnt they were and chucked them," Amelia said.

Ginni's eyes lit up and he made a beeline for the kitchen bin.

"Ginni, no," Trent cried, reaching out to grasp Ginni's sleeve. The silky material slipped through his fingers.

Fishing the soggy flatbread from the rubbish bin, Ginni laid them all out on a plate for each of them.

"I don't think I can eat any," Amelia said, feeling nauseous.

"More for us," Ginni said, consolidating it all onto three plates.

Ginni squirted maple syrup onto each plate and then grabbed the ice-cream from the freezer. He put large scoops on the plates, then passed one each to Tracey and Trent.

"Bon appetit," Ginni said, digging into his own.

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