Chapter 21 - Overdose

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"Trent? Trenna?" Ginni called, venturing into the house via the open doorway. "I got your text that your parents weren't home."

Ginni moved further into the house, noting the dust and debris scattered everywhere. It was like a bomb had gone off. He knew Alex and Shae had only gone away yesterday, how could everything have fallen into disrepair so quickly?

A few cats came padding down the hallway and Ginni's eyes lit up. "Cardi B! Ollie!" he cried, bending down to ruffle their fur.

Ollie hissed and shied away from Ginni's hand. "Don't be like that, Ol," Ginni whined sadly. He frowned at Ollie. "You've changed since moving house."

Ginni pulled Cardi B closer and buried his face in its fur, only to pull away quickly with a disgusted groan. "Cardi, honey, you're WET!" Ginni cried, "How'd you get so wet?" He stared ahead out into the backyard, the pool looking blue and inviting. "Have you been swimming again?"

Cardi B purred, a self-satisfied smile on her face.

"Mm, thought so," Ginni said, nodding. He stood up and walked further into the house. "Where's your uncle?"

The two cats followed at Ginni's heels and the three of them searched around Alex's big mansion, checking all the bedrooms, calling Trent's name as they went.

Sighing, his stomach rumbling loudly, Ginni headed to the kitchen, eager to raid the fridge, knowing that Alex usually left treats in there. Or was it Laura that usually did that?

But as he rounded the corner into the kitchen, Ginni stopped dead.

Three cats - Madonna, Cher and Rupaul - were surrounding Trent Bianco's body lying face down on the floor, the cats licking Trent's ears, lemongrass sticks and grated ginger scattered all over the floor.

"Oh, Trenna," Ginni said, as Ollie and Cardi B, alarmed, darted to their uncle's side. "I should never have given you my recipe for lemongrass and ginger tea."

Ginni came closer and crouched down next to his best friend, fingering Trent's pulse.

Relief flooded through Ginni at the faint heartbeat in Trent's neck.

"Trenna," Ginni murmured gently and lay down next to Trent, arms around Trent's waist, the cats licking both of them. "Wake up, sweetie, I'm here."

Trent stirred at his friend's voice so close, a small smile on his face. "How'd I get here," he muttered groggily. Tea foamed on his lips.

"You went overboard on lemongrass and ginger tea," Ginni whispered. "We've all been there. I should've told you how potent it is."

"It's just so..." Trent murmured, his smile getting broader. "So calming." He briefly closed his eyes and put his arms around Ginni, pulling him closer.

"Mm," Ginni said, his hands stroking Trent's long curly hair. "It is. I'm just glad you're okay."

"I'm glad you're okay," Trent replied softly. "I'm taking good care of your cats."

"Your house is a mess," Ginni commented, and instantly regretted it seeing Trent's face flinch.

Hurt and sadness filled Trent's eyes. "None of us can be bothered vacuuming since Mum left," he said quietly.

Slowly, Ginni sat up and scooted over to the fridge. Grimacing at the limp broccoli and off milk, Ginni grabbed the box of cheese slices and shimmied back to Trent.

"Here, eat this," Ginni said, breaking off bits of cheese and feeding them to Trent.

"Cheese toasties are all we've been eating lately," Trent murmured, smiling, as he ate the cheese. "It's all my dad can cook that Shae will actually eat."

"I'm going to take you out to dinner," Ginni said firmly. "We're going to eat parmas at Lazy Moe's tonight."

"They sell good clothes there," Trent replied dreamily. "Maybe we could buy a T-shirt or trackie pants there, I hear it's the brand that all the tennis players are repping in the Australian Open."

"You wish, jellyfish," Ginni said, giggling, holding Trent in his arms. "You wish."

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