Chapter 14 - happy Jack Ginnivan iron level

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Tracey opened the door to their apartment, chucked her bag down and with jazz hands, announced to the living room, "Good news!"

"Mm," Ginni muttered, eyes firmly focused on the TV screen.

"Oi, watch it, dispose of your banana peel properly," Trent groaned, skirting around Ginni's litter.

"I'm a princess, I've got people to pick up after me," Ginni said, swerving along rainbow road.

"Guys?" Tracey said, slumping onto an armchair. "Anyone want to hear my news?"

"What is it, love?" Ginni asked, eyes still on the screen.

"Did you get an HD on an art project?" Trent asked politely.

"Or scored a goal at the indoor soccer game," Ginni suggested.

Tracey huffed. "You boys don't care," she said annoyed, and as she exited the room, a piece of paper dropped from her hand and she mumbled, "it's just my iron levels are in the required range." 

"Great," Ginni murmured.

"Iron woman," Trent cheered.

When Tracey had slammed the door to the bedroom, Trent paused the game. "I think you should take this more seriously," he said. "She's been working on her iron levels for years."

"Yeah okay I will," Ginni argued. "I'll make her dinner tonight."

"But you always do that," Trent pointed out.

"Okay, well, maybe I've got something else planned," Ginni said, frustrated. "Can we finish the race?"

"Fine," Trent sighed, and pressed resume. He proceeded to sigh for the rest of the race as he dodged blue shell after red shell and watched princess peach be declared winner.

"Yeah, Peach wins again!" Ginni cried excitedly. "Suck it Yoshi."

Trent just rolled his eyes and grunted. "I better head home," he said, glancing at the darkening skies out the window. He made to leave and kicked the piece of paper that Tracey had dropped. "Ginni, don't litter in your own house." And with that, he whisked out the door.

Ginni got up and picked up the bit of paper. He saw the doctor's name at the top and…

Oh no these were Tracey's results. He went to call out to her, give her back the paper containing private information but a number caught his eye.

An idea struck.

Ginni raced to the kitchen, just as the timer went off. He took out the cake he'd put in there half an hour ago, just before Trent had arrived for Mario kart, and left it to cool.

Then he whipped up a batch of icing and got dinner started.

When dinner was ready, Ginni yelled for Tracey who glumly tramped up the hallway. 

"Oh, Spagbol again?" She grumbled, sitting at the table. "Ginni, I really don't think… I mean, I love you but…"

Ginni's eyes went wide. "It's my signature dish," he said, alarmed. "Also you're Italian, I thought you'd like pasta every night."

"Not really," she mumbled through forkfuls of pasta, the whole time thinking that Ginni never listened to her, never understood her dietary requirements or cared about her health. It was basically like complaining to a brick wall. Maybe she should end it, before either got too attached. She'd seen him eyeing off her brother several times, and she knew that Ginni's favourite emoji was a peach but he'd never sent that to her. Who'd he send it to? Trent? 

When Tracey finished eating, she made to leave the table but Ginni said, "wait! There's dessert!"

That piqued Tracey's interest. Until her shoulders deflated. Knowing Ginni, he'd just serve her a bowl of custard with fruit. 

Ginni turned around and grabbed a cloche from the bench and placed it in front of Tracey.

With a flourish, he lifted the lid.

Tracey stared, reading the words written clumsily on the cake. "Congrats on your Jack Ginnivan iron level." She stared at Ginni.

"Congrats on your Jack Ginnivan iron level!" Ginni yelled, arms outstretched and the biggest grin on his face.

"You… care…," Tracey said, feeling tears prick her eyes and got up to hug her boyfriend.

"Of course I do," Ginni murmured soothingly, hugging her tightly. "I'm so proud of you."

"Thank you," Tracey replied, "it's been a hard road, had to give up my veganism…"

"We're now the same number," Ginni said, pulling back to look in her eyes.

"Of iron?" She asked, confused.

"Well no," Ginni said almost sheepishly. "I'm just really proud you synced your iron level with my guernsey number. So who wants cake?" 

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