chapter 29 - the Tyler Brown cup

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Author's note: I don't mean to be rude with this fic, Tyler is a beautiful boy and I'm so glad the Crows gave him a second chance after Collingwood rudely discarded him. This week, Tyler's new team are playing his old team so of course it's only right both teams play for a trophy in honour of Gavin Brown's youngest son Tyler.

Ginni slammed a bottle of olive oil in front of Trent, who glanced up wearily. 

"Are you trying to tell me Tracey used all the oil?" Trent asked with a wry grin. "Nonna taught her to make Bolognese using copious amounts of oil and salt. The Italian way."

"Yeah, it's so delicious," Ginni started to say before collecting his thoughts, getting back on track. "No! We've got enough oil! We're like Syria."

"Okay, controversial," Trent mused.

"This here," Ginni said, gesturing to the bottle and running his hands up and down the label. "This is what we're playing for this week."

Trent just raised his eyebrows. "A bottle of oil?" He asked uncertainly.

"Not just any olive oil," Ginni said, shoving the label in Trent's face. "It's Tyler Brown oil. This is the Tyler Brown cup."

Sighing, Trent looked disapprovingly at his friend. "Is that appropriate?" He asked wisely. "We can't draw attention to our friend's… insecurity."

Ginni snorted. "It's all the talk on the Carlton pages on Reddit!" He exclaimed, throwing his arms in the air. "They think our friend is so brave and strong, and I think we should acknowledge that with a trophy."

Trent wrinkled his nose in disgust. "Since when do you listen to Carlton fans?" Trent questioned, saying Carlton in the most loathsome way as if it made him dirty just saying it. He'd been raised well.

"I read a lot of pages on Reddit," Ginni commented, shrugging. "It's interesting."

"Hmmm," Trent murmured, pursing his lips.

"I just think… our friend knows who he is, and he just owns it, you know? It's something to be proud of," Ginni went on. "And he's staying strong in that sexy team now with the Fog and the Rocky guy and Izak Rankine…." A dreamy look crossed Ginni's face as he felt his pants get tighter.

"Well, you're certainly not following in our brave friend's footsteps," Trent noted with a smirk.

Ginni just scowled at Trent. "Of course not," he said firmly. "I'm almost a married man."

"Who still sucks his fiance's brother—" Trent began before Ginni launched at him, shoving his hands over Trent's mouth.

"Shut up—" Ginni cried.

Trent just laughed, his eyes dancing mischievously. "You up for round 2," he tried to say between giggling.

Ginni just stared into Trent's deep brown eyes, the colour of melted chocolate, face leaning ever so close to Trent's—- "no I can't, I have to resist," Ginni said, jumping up and backing away. "Be strong, Ginni, like Tyler, be strong like Tyler…"

Trent just grinned at his friend, clearly amused.

Clutching the olive oil bottle, the Tyler Brown trophy, Ginni steeled himself. "This is what we're playing for this week," he said seriously. "This is our theme." 

And with that, he turned on a heel and strode from the room.

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