Chapter 45 - the tale of Jeremy Howe's short lived forward career

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Author's note: inspiration for this chapter from the author of Saving Lotte Sullivan, I stole a future chapter of SLS and I'm so sorry. Anyway enjoy.

"I can't believe some half-baked plan that Bucks cooked up on holiday in Bali is actually working," Trent commented, watching Jeremy Howe nail his third goal, a snap around the pocket.

"You're still down by 20 points," Tracey pointed out.

"You might want to go to the toilet now because there'll be queues after the game and we ain't waiting around to hear their song," Trent said.

"Da da da da," Tracey started with a giggle. 

"Don't," Trent growled through gritted teeth. He still had PTSD from when his dad had to sing it after games.

"What were you saying about Bucks?" Tracey asked gently, worriedly eyeing the muscles flick in Trent's jaw.

"Oh, Bucks, I meant he went to Bali for an off season holiday and came back with a hot new forward," Trent explained and then launched into the tale that became Collingwood folklore.


When Nathan Buckley reached for his wallet to pay for his cocktail, a bloke with sleeve tattoos and a Bintang singlet approached. 

"I've got this," the bloke said, rich Aussie accent, fishing for money from his wallet.

Bucks stared at the wallet, a picture glaring back at him, autograph scribbled over it. "That's me," he murmured in shock.

The bloke glanced from the picture to Bucks and back again. "So it is," he said with a chuckle.

Accepting the drink from the stranger, Bucks looked him up and down... athletic body, tanned muscled arms.... "You play?" He asked.

"Play what?" The bloke replied. He played a whole heap of sports.

"Footy," Bucks answered. "I coach a footy team back in Australia and you'd be perfect for my half forward flank."

"Ah, that's a new one!" The bloke exclaimed, eyes lit up. "Purpose and direction! I usually just sit on bloke's heads and clunk marks."

"Call me if you want to join," Bucks said, starting to write down his phone number on a napkin. 

"No need," the bloke said, and pulled out the picture of Bucks from his wallet, flashing the back of it where Bucks had scribbled his phone number years ago. 

"Oh," Bucks said embarrassed. He forgot that he randomly gave out his number to fans over the years. "Anyway, call me if you ever want to play in a grand final. We start training in December."

"Sure, sounds great," the bloke said, and as he watched Bucks down his drink and leave, he remembered he had a charity T20 game in January. "No problem, I can always blame any injury from that on the dog."


The siren sounded.

"Let's go, let's go," Trent said, jumping up and hurrying along the row.

"Trent, wait," Tracey murmured, trying to put her glasses back in her bag. 

Trent was walking down their row, mostly vacated from fleeing pies fans, gripping onto the railing as he went.

"I can get down to the rooms—" Tracey started to say as she caught up to her brother.

"There's no more railing," Trent whispered, his face white as he looked between the partying Carlton fans at the end of their row and the metre drop down to concrete on the other side.

"Just go," Tracey muttered, rolling her eyes.

Trent carefully stepped along, letting go of the railing and edging along, the group of excited Carlton fans taking up most of the space.

"Nearly there," Tracey said comfortingly, just as a wayward arm from a Carlton fan slammed into Trent and his thin wiry body went flying through the air.

"Trent!!!!" Tracey screamed, it was all happening in slow motion but there was nothing she could do as she watched Trent land with a thud on the concrete a metre below.


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