Chapter 52 - have you gained weight?

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Author's note: thank God this is completely fictional and there's no boss like Trent's in real life and the author is completely fine

"Have you gained weight?"

Trent paused before placing the pod in the machine for the boss' coffee. "What?" He breathed.

"Have you gained weight?" The boss repeated, staring at Trent. 

After Trent floundered about for an answer for several minutes, the boss continued, "Probably just stress, hey." And walked from the room.

"Yeah, stress," Trent echoed hollowly. 

He busied himself making the coffee but thought about what he could have to be stressed about. He was in a minimum wage job, his team was in a grand final, and he was dating his childhood sweetheart Amelia.

His clearly noticeable weight gain couldn't be stress related.

Maybe it was just genes, the Beyonce bum he'd inherited from his father. 

But wait.

When Trent really thought about it…

The minimum wage job was working for a boss prone to yelling at everyone and getting annoyed about everything on a daily basis.

His team being in a grand final was great but he was meant to be playing in that team.

And although Amelia was great and did funny tiktoks, Trent always wished he could be with Ginni who was happily engaged with Trent's sister.

Maybe it was stress related.

Moodily, Trent carried the coffee and four jam biscuits to the boss' desk and then went back to the kitchen for a biscuit for himself. 

The biscuit helped him think of a plan for his stress related weight gain.

The minimum wage job could easily be a minimum wage plus 10% job. The boss always says everything is going up by 10%. More money, less stress.

Although he couldn't play in the grand final, Trent could put his hand up for the half time sprint. There! That'll involve extra exercise to lose some weight!

And as for his personal relationships, well maybe he'll just have to be happier with Amelia. And stop eyeing off what he can't have when he gets invited for brunch at Tracey and Ginni's.

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