Chapter 41 - testing positive for leather poisoning

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"Sir, you look pale, are you sure you're alright to fly?" An airline officer asked, concerned.

"Yeah, just made it," Trent Bianco panted, breathless.

The airline worker looked him up and down. Narrowed their eyes at the state of his hands. "Are you sure?" they questioned.

Trent glanced at his hands, alarmed at the red welts and blisters all over his palms. He panicked. "Oh I don't know how this could happen, I was fine this morning—" he floundered.

"Check him for leather poisoning!" Jack Ginnivan yelled from the other side of the virgin lounge.

"Have you been near leather in the last 14 days?" The airline officer asked sternly.

"No," Trent said, "wait." He frowned. "Maybe. I just came from the footy—"

"This is what happens when you keep touching my leather jockstrap!" Ginni said as he approached the airline gate.

Trent blushed, looking at his shoes and avoiding the stares from Amelia and Tracey. "I didn't," he said firmly. "I must've just got a lot of disposals today. It happens." He shrugged, as if it happens all the time.

The airline officer handed back Trent's plane ticket. "I'm sorry, we can't let you on board with these symptoms," they said.

"What?" Trent spluttered, staring in horror at the airline staff and then around at all his friends for help. "It's my dad's wedding, I have to be there—"

"Your dad got married last December," the airline staff deadpanned, checking the tickets for Amelia and Tracey and ushering them through.

The girls cast worried glances back at Trent as they walked down the gangway. "Will I still get to take my two 7kg suitcases if Trent can't fly?" Amelia fretted, anxiously fixing her hair extensions.

"He's allowed to get married more than once," Trent said indignantly to the airport staff, defending his dad's polygamist lifestyle.

"He's an inspiration," Ginni piped up, putting an arm around Trent for comfort.

The airport staff scanned Ginni's ticket and motioned that he could go through. Ginni hesitated, not wanting to leave Trent. "Trenna—" he started, uncertainly glancing at Trent's swollen hands. "They might have cream for that in a pharmacy, if you hurry—"

"Flight's boarding in ten," the airport worker said in a monotone.

Trent bit his lip, trying not to cry. He couldn't miss his dad's wedding. This one was on the Gold Coast, and he was going to catch up with Matt and Noah afterwards. Trent had been really looking forward to it. "Ginni, you go," Trent said, swallowing his pain and putting on a brave face. "I'll be fine." He grinned. "I'll dance with you at my dad's next wedding."

Ginni broke into tears and hugged Trent tightly. "It won't be the same without you," he sobbed into Trent's shoulder.

"Say hi to Matt and Noah for me," Trent murmured.

"I will," Ginni said, staying in the embrace for as long as possible, not wanting to part with his best friend.

"Boarding in one minute," the airport worker informed them.

"Go Ginni go," Trent said, pulling himself away from Ginni. It felt like tearing a limb from his body.

Ginni sadly wheeled his carryon down the gangway backwards, keeping eye contact with Trent the whole way, neither wanting to lose sight of each other.

Even though both boys knew they'd see each other on Monday, it would still hurt to be apart till then.

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