Chapter 64 - when the parents come to visit

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Author's note: I'm sorry for the lack of updates, yeah so Trent's joined the army (not actually mentioned in the chapter shhhh) and has moved out of his parents and is now the mayor of Footscray and is on every billboard and this chapter is inspired by the girl from Trento at my work who wants to take a week off while her parents visit because she can't trust them staying in her apartment without her supervision and enjoy


“It's great that Trent found this place,” Shae mused.

“Even better that he allowed us to stay here while he's away,” Alex Fasolo boasted as he opened the front door. 

“I hope he's furnished the place,” Shae murmured as she tentatively walked inside.

Alex breezed on through to the kitchen. “Oh my god look what he's got in the pantry,” he exclaimed in horror. 

Shae came rushing in. “What? Drugs?” She asked, sounding almost gleeful. 

“A bowl full of freddo frogs,” Alex answered sadly, shock reverberating around the room. “How did he know about chocolate? I raised him right.”

“Probably that mother of his,” Shae muttered, rolling her eyes. 

Alex sighed and took a handful of Freddo’s, opening a few and stuffing them in his mouth. 

“Should we be eating his food?” Shae questioned before taking a Freddo for herself. 

“We can always fill it up again…” Alex said, before smiling evilly. “...with apples!” 

They both roared with laughter. 

Alex wandered over to the fridge and inspected its contents. “Pretty bare,” he moped. “Could've left us a bit of milk at least.”

“He probably had to use everything up before he went,” Shae suggested. 

Opening the freezer, Alex's eyes lit up. “Ah ha, there's ice cream in here!” He yelled. “What does he need that for? No wonder he's a Biancslow.”

“No, you were the fasoslow and he was Biancno—” Shae piped up.

“Alright,” Alex groaned, “No need for a history lesson.” He took out the several tubs of ice-cream and placed them in the sink. “We'll fill this up with bags of frozen peas.”

“He might never invite us to stay here again,” Shae said cautiously, taking another freddo from the bowl. 

“We're teaching him a lesson,” Alex said. “It's called good parenting.” He glanced around the kitchen bench, narrowing his eyes on the air fryer. “Does he really need one of those?”

“Dunno, there's ants in the kettle,” Shae groused as she stared into the kettle water.

Alex let out a loud groan. “Because he doesn't clean the kettle,” he lamented. “I told him—”

“How do you clean a kettle?” Shae asked. 

“You put lemon in it and—” Alex huffed, annoyed, and walked away to check out the other rooms in Trent's house.

“I wonder if he's got a TV yet, how will we watch the bachelor—” Shae said as she followed Alex.

“I'm checking out the bathtub,” Alex called, “I specifically told him to buy a place with a bath and it has to be big enough to practise my swimming—”

Shae just sighed. “You can go a few days without swimming, Alex,” she drawled.

“The bath is huge!” Alex crowed from the bathroom. “Shae, did you bring your togs?”

“Finally you ask me that for a normal reason and not just when we're going to Highpoint,” Shae muttered. 

She walked into the bathroom to find her husband  laying naked in the empty bath, his clothes scattered around the floor. “Oh dear,” she said. “When they ask me if there were any signs, I'll say—”

“No,” finished Alex, grinning at her from the bathtub. “Get in, sweetie, the water’s warm.”

Shae just sighed. “This is going to be a long few days house-sitting your son's goldfish.” 

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