Chapter 16 - lots of froth

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"Why did you advertise the room for rent on Facebook?" Trent questioned as they entered the Whiplash cafe.

Ginni shrugged. "It's an empty room and I want some money for it," he said simply.

"But you promised it to me," Trent said, scowling, as they approached the counter.

"And you said you didn't want it," Ginni pointed out before beholding Callum Brown at the coffee machine. "Cal! Are you practising your froth?" 

Callum just laughed. "Making a babycino for Hol," he said.

"Hol?" Trent said.

With a wry smile, Callum put a tiny cup filled with froth in front of a baby girl perched in her high chair. "Aren't you a cutie?" Callum cooed.

"Cal, that's the fifth one you've given her today," Bridget drawled. "we're thinking about revoking your godfather privileges."

"I'm giving her treats she can't refuse!" Callum argued.

Trent giggled.

"If her dad didn't work here too, we wouldn't come here any more," Bridget said haughtily.

"We'll have a table for four, Cal," Ginni announced, "five if you wish to join us."

"Can't, working," Callum said, grimacing. It was his only income at the moment. He busied himself behind the counter producing Ginni and Trent's usual orders.

Ginni lent over the counter. "Remember I got a spare room," he whispered conspiratorially. "I'll let you stay for free."

Trent grumbled but said nothing.

"Thanks, Gin, but I'm off interstate in a few weeks," Callum apologised, a grim smile.

"Whiplash expanding?" Trent asked, eyebrows raised.

"Well, yeah, we're booming and Roughy's always on me to scout out different locations," Callum sighed. "But no, I'm chasing an AFL dream in another state!"

"And opening up a Whiplash nearby," Jordan Roughead added as he swept into the kitchen wearing a breast pump machine while cleaning mugs with a tea towel.

Trent and Ginni both stared open mouthed at the hulking premiership defender.

"What?" Jordan asked, and grinned. "Oh, I'm helping out Bridget. Giving it a try."

"Black coffee for me," Trent said, his face pale.

"Me too," Ginni added, about to puke. But he quickly added, "still lots of froth though."

The boys sat down at their usual table.

"You know, Trent, even if I give away the room I promised you, there's always room in—-" Ginni started to say but paused as Tracey and Amelia entered the cafe and all Trent and Ginni's attention went to their girlfriends.

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