chapter 31 - happy Faz and Daisy Cup

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Author's note: yes this is the second chapter in a row without Ginni and Tracey, deal with it. I'm so sorry. It's the Faz and Daisy Cup on Sunday, a cup named after two of the greatest players in the history of football. And both Collingwood and Carlton have been blessed to have had both in their midst.

"Dad! What are you wearing? You're so embarrassing," Trent cried, palming a hand into his face.

Alex turned around in his seat to behold his son. "I'm making use of my Carlton life membership," he said shrugging. He waved a nondescript navy blue flag. "Go Carlton!"

Trent sighed. "Don't say that," he whispered mournfully. He stared at Alex's navy blue hoodie, a number painted on the back. "Number 32? Do you even know that is these days?"

"Nope," Alex said cheerfully. He moved his bag from the seat next to him and patted it. "Come join me, Trenna."

Trent glanced around nervously, hoping no one else he knew was around. God, this would be so embarrassing, especially if Ginni found out. He slunk into the seat next to his dad.

"Dad, I just came to tell you—" Trent started but was interrupted by a shrill voice.


"Dad, turn it off!" Trent yelped, staring in horror as his father took a vibrating mobile phone from his bag. He could feel the judgement from those around them. "Dad oh my god people are staring!"

"Relax, Trent," Alex said, grinning as he answered the phone call. "Hey Daisy, what up, go pies."

Trent ducked as an empty beer cup narrowly avoided his head.

"Uh huh yeah I'm actually in the Carlton members... yeah my son's here too... no not that one, yeah the Collingwood one," Alex was saying into the phone. "The Carlton one is playing today."

An angry blues fan reached out to tug Trent's hair.

"Ow," Trent cried, almost in tears, stroking his long curls.

Alex reached out to place a comforting hand on Trent's head. "Time to get it cut," he murmured before launching back into his phone conversation.

"Yeah, Dais, come on down, it's a great seat, right at the front!" Alex looked out onto the field. "Ooh, my son is lining up for goal, YES ADAM!!!! PROUD OF YOU!!!"

Another beer cup came flying their way and smacked into Alex's head along with the words "Your son's a hack".

Alex barely even noticed but Trent was mortified. He ducked low in his seat, and got out his kindle from his bag. He immersed himself in the fictional world of Crescent City while the crowd raged on.

Not for the first time, Trent wished his dad had been given Collingwood life membership and not Carlton's.

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