Chapter 32 - sweet nothings

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Author's note: you wanted more Ginni and Tracey so here it is. (Trigger warning? I'm sorry?)

Tracey had taken a shine to baking. She loved the idea of coming home to the smells of bread, cakes, or a roast floating up to her as she came in the door.

She knew Ginni loved it too. He'd come in after a long hard day on the track, tired, sore, and one whiff of whatever had come from the oven that day…

His eyes would light up, frenzied, ravenous. 

This baking stuff had done wonders for their sex life, Tracey mused every day. Happy boyfriend, happy life, as they say.

Then one day, Ginni came home and the smell immediately hit him.

"You made brownies?" He cried excitedly. "I smell chocolate!"

Tracey hurtled into the kitchen just as Ginni was opening up the fridge. "Oh, umm–" she said, thinking quickly on her feet. "No, don't—"

"Why not?" Ginni whimpered, turning puppy dog eyes on her.

She had to stay strong. "No, you'll spoil your dinner," Tracey said firmly.

Ginni's eyes lit up even more. "Ooh, what's for dinner?" He asked, closing the fridge and fully turning to his girlfriend eagerly.

Tracey paused. She hadn't actually cooked anything. What was in the freezer? Hadn't Ginni stocked up on meals the other week when it was like 3 for $12… "Lasagne!" Tracey burst out with. She felt proud of herself.

"Yum," Ginni said, grinning. "Can't wait." He kissed her cheek and bounced from the room. 

"Phew," Tracey breathed to herself. Once Ginni had left the room, she opened the fridge and nibbled on the corner of a brownie. She felt a bit better. 

Tracey heard the shower turn on and knew Ginni would be washing his hair. 

Shaking her head at the amount of times he washed his hair each day and how much shampoo he went through, she began taking out frozen lasagnas and placing them in the preheated oven.

Maybe if she served him enough food, he'll be too full for brownies. Yes. That's it. She got out several packets of frozen vegetables and microwaved them. 

She just couldn't let Ginni near her brownies. For one thing, they contained medically prescribed…

But for another more concerning reason, she'd seen how awful he'd felt after the drug ban. 

How she'd sat with him in silence, just holding his hand, letting him cry on her shoulder but also mostly just being with him.

He'd been so hard on himself. She couldn't let him go through that again. She felt bad enough bringing this temptation into the house but what else could she do? Endometriosis didn't give her much option.

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