Chapter 39 - Oleg's Burgers

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Oleg Markov played by Bob Belcher

Oleg Markov played by Bob Belcher

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"Trent, they had a staff wanted sign on the door," Ginni noted as they walked into the new burger shop in town.

"There are rats in the alley next door," Trent drawled with a look of disgust. "Plus I have a job."

"Yeah but your boss is a psycho—" Ginni started, stopping as he beheld the owner of the burger shop step out from the kitchen.

"Welcome," he greeted, his elegant moustache twitching. "I am Oleg and you'll find no rats in our burgers."

"I'll have an LGBT burger," Ginni said confidently.

"Don't you mean BLT?" Trent whispered to him.

Ginni blinked and shook his head. "Yeah, of course," he said. "dunno what I'm thinking."

"I'll just have a cheeseburger," Trent said.

"Great, a BLT and a cheeseburger coming right up," Oleg said, disappearing into the kitchen.

"You know what this place needs?" Ginni murmured as he slid into a booth.

"Some stability after all the re-openings they've had?" Trent suggested, sitting opposite Ginni.

"Someone wearing a giant burger suit around the streets to advertise the burgers here," Ginni explained wistfully. "It's sort of my calling."

"I did something similar for Lazy Moe's," Trent put in. "Mum sewed me a giant pancake costume for a school play and then I wore it around Oakleigh to attract customers to the restaurant."

Ginni's eyes lit up. "Did it work?" He asked excitedly.

Trent just shrugged. "Maybe," he said. "I made more pancakes that week."

"We should both apply for jobs here," Ginni said, his eyes sparkling. "Me out the front in a burger suit, you whipping up foodie creations."

"An aspiring chef," Oleg commented, placing a burger in front of Trent and another in front of Ginni. "I'm looking for some staff. Either of you got bunny ears?"

"What for?" Ginni asked, alarmed, thinking of his promise to Tracey of not roleplaying as a bunny any more.

"Never mind," Oleg said dismissively. "Just something of a fantasy of mine." He sighed dreamily, thinking of his inevitable future when he had three kids of his own, one of them wearing bunny ears. "I'll leave you boys to it."

Ginni and Trent bite into their burgers eagerly, enjoying the deliciousness and freshness of it all.

"I don't think I could create something this good at lazy Moe's," Trent mused through a large mouthful.

"But you could learn," Ginni insisted. "you could gain more skills working under a different chef. Think of your career in food."

"But what would Frank think?" Trent muttered. "and Anna, she's been so good to me, almost like a mother to me—"

"But she's not your mother," Ginni said sternly. "Frank isn't your father. You owe no loyalty to them."

"They've raised me," Trent pointed out. "I grew up on those dusty floorboards of Lazy Moe's. Waited tables there in high school. Learnt how to cook everything on the menu."

"And now you can learn a whole bunch of new meals here," Ginni said, grinning. "admit it, how many of those lazy Moe's meals were just putting food from the freezer into the oven?"

Trent scowled. "I won't admit that," he poured.

Ginni smirked. He pulled out a bit of lettuce from his burger and held up. "Look, it's green and firm," he said, and put it in his mouth, eliciting a crunch from the crispness.

"It's the same as what we have at Lazy Moe's," Trent growled.

"No way, it's all limp and soggy there!" Ginni argued.

"That's because you wanted dressing on it," Trent countered. "I poured it on in front of you and you kept saying more."

"Darcy had just walked in," Ginni explained. "Why would I want a drowned salad?"

"I don't question people's eating habits," Trent scowled. "Especially not yours, your favourite food is my—"

"Hello, would you like anything else?" Oleg interrupted, clapping his hands together. "we've got dessert— well it's just an ice-cream machine—" he looked sheepish and turned toward stage left. "Lin, prepare two soft serves for these lovely customers!"

A woman's voice yelled down the stairs. "Oleg, you can work the machine yourself!"

"I wanted you to meet our customers," Oleg yelled back, "they're the only ones today. Maybe they'll come back tomorrow." He seemed so hopeful.

Ginni and Trent both looked away awkwardly.

"It was a bit of a hike to get here," Trent murmured.

"I think I have to feed the puppy tomorrow," Ginni added, eyes downcast.

"Two soft serves on the house!" Oleg exclaimed enthusiastically. He walked to the soft serve machine and pressed the button for a chocolate one and a vanilla one.

Oleg handed the chocolate one to Ginni, and the vanilla one to Trent. "Sorry, you just seem like a bianco type of guy," he said, slipping into a bit of Italian.

Ginni and Trent just grinned and took their ice-creams, strolling out of the shops, happily licking away. Maybe they would make the journey back here. Or at least spread the words to their friends.

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