Chapter 17 - straw trick

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"Why'd you get a straw? We ordered tea," Tracey said, frowning, as they walked to their table.

Ginni twirled the straw in his hands. "Just something I learned from tiktok," he said, a bit nervously.

Tracey narrowed her eyes. Her boyfriend was never nervous. "What is it?" She asked gently as they sat opposite each other.

"You'll see," Ginni said, and turned his attention to the waiter who was carrying two steaming hot teas. 

Ginni placed the straw in the cup and tried a few times unsuccessfully to blow smoke out of the end until Tracey got bored of watching and turned to her phone. "Have you heard from Trent? He's not answering my texts," she muttered.

"He sent me the vomit emoji an hour ago," Ginni stated, fiddling with his straw. 

"Is he meant to be coming today?" Tracey asked, exasperated. 

"Dunno," Ginni answered, shrugging. "Knowing Trenna, he's probably been out partying every night." He chuckled. "Always sick every morning."

"Isn't that your thing?" Tracey asked dryly.

Ginni looked at her alarmed. "Why does everyone think I'm a party boy?" He asked, "You know I spend every night tucked in with a book and a tea."

Tracey looked flustered. "Yeah I know, now you do, but I thought... in your past..." she tried.

"Me? No way," Ginni said, shaking his head vigorously. "That's Trenna's thing. Your brother is a worry, always throwing himself around at girls." He sighed. "He's going to get himself pregnant one of these days."

"He can't, he's a guy," Tracey said through laughter.

Ginni shrugged, more focused on getting his straw trick to work. He finally got the steam coming out of the end of the straw. "Trace! It's working! Video it!" He yelled.

Tracey fumbled with her phone but managed to get the camera open and start filming.

"Did you get it?" Ginni asked eagerly.

"Sure," Tracey said bored, thumbs flying over her screen. "Sending you the video now."

Ginni's phone buzzed. "Sweet, thanks," he said grinning. His eyes were lit up as he watched the video a few times then posted it to his tiktok.

"I don't think Trent's coming," Tracey remarked, sipping her tea.

"You know rumour has it his mum had him when she was 10," Ginni commented.

Tracey just blinked. She knew her and Trent didn't share a mother but assumed Trent came from one of Alex's numerous ex-girlfriends that were of age.

"By all reports, he's just like her," Ginni stated, slurping his tea.

"He's much older than 10," Tracey scowled, not liking what her boyfriend was implying.

Ginni just shrugged and downed the rest of his lemongrass and ginger tea. 

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