Chapter 7: She's a 10

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"This was a bad idea," Ginni lamented, staring at his big enormous bowling shoes. "They're huge."

"I told you not to get the biggest size," Trent chuckled, standing next to him.

"But I like big things," Ginni moaned.

Trent sighed. "The girls are taking their sweet time," he said, eyeing Amelia and Tracey giggling while they chose a bowling ball and put their shoes on.

"How cute does Tracey look today? She's a 10 in those overalls," Ginni remarked.

"You're a 10 except you wear massive shoes that you can't walk in," Trent added, smirking.

"You're like a 3 because all you wear is TB merchandise," Ginni retorted. "You look like you're homeless."

"Ouch," Trent said, feigning hurt. He grinned. "You were 10 as a brunette and 4 as a blond."

"Hey!" Ginni cried indignantly.

Amelia and Tracey made their way over to the boys, placing their pink bowling balls in the rack. "Ready?" Amelia asked, grinning.

Tracey stared at Ginni's shoes. "Your feet are huge," she murmured.

Ginni just shrugged modestly. "Blessed with good genes," he replied.

Trent just snorted, but said nothing, stepping up to their bowling lane and ripping off the bumpers. "Lesssssgo," he said.

The girls cheered their excitement.

But Ginni groaned. "Trent, I need that," he said plaintively, staring at the discarded bumper off to the side.

Tracey giggled, but when she looked at her boyfriend, she discovered he was deadly serious. "Wait, really?" she said, disbelieving, eyebrows arched high.

"Yes," Ginni scowled, annoyed. He made his way over to the bumper, his massive shoes flopping around, making it difficult to walk with any sort of grace. Tracey giggled some more, with Amelia and Trent sniggering as well.

Ginni picked up the bumper and faced the others. "Can we put it back on?" he pleaded.

Trent, Amelia and Tracey gave each other silent looks, all of them amused.

"Maybe put it back on," Amelia suggested, shrugging. "More fun that way."

Tracey and Trent just sighed and agreed. They were so used to competing against each other with the bumpers off that it had become second nature.

They called over an employee who took the bumpers from Ginni and fixed them back on. Ginni grinned and waddled his way back to his burger and chips.

After Trent and Amelia had both bowled strikes, it was Ginni's turn. He swallowed a mouthful of burger and got up, waddling his way to the ball rack and then to the bowling lane. He ignored his friends' giggling and focused.

After a deep breath, Ginni stood side on to the lane. He took a step back and then rolled the ball. It listed off to the side and with the help of the bumper, knocked down a few pins on the left.

"Hmm," Trent murmured and walked toward his best friend. "Your technique."

"What about it?" Ginni asked, eyes wide in fear. He'd worked hard on his technique. It was solid.

"Pick up the ball," Trent instructed.

"Steele," Ginni corrected, "I named it Steele."

Trent just shook his head. "You named the ball after Steele Side— oh." He blinked in realisation. "Okay, pick up Steele."

Ginni obeyed, waddling over to the ball rack and grabbing the ball when it popped up. He waddled his way back, the girls looking on in silence, wide eyed.

When Ginni got into his side-on position, Trent stepped up next to him and circled his arms around Ginni's waist. Trent placed his hands on top of Ginni's.

"Okay, on three," Trent whispered in Ginni's ear, and Ginni shivered, pressing his body further into Trent's warmth. He was distracted by Trent's cologne, the strawberry balm he could smell on Trent's lips. Was that from Amelia? No, Trent wore it every day at the club. If Ginni just turned his head, his lips would meet Trent's.... He melted at the thought...

"One... two..." Trent counted, his breath warm on Ginni's neck. "Focus, Gin."

Ginni snapped his eyes open, banishing thoughts of kissing his best friend. "Yeah what," he said.

"Three," Trent finished, and guided Ginni's hands through the line of the ball. After a few practice swings, Trent whispered release and the ball flew through the air, landing on the lane and hurtling straight at the front pins.

Ginni gasped, holding his breath.

Trent still had his arms around Ginni's waist, both of them watching the ball, hearts in their mouths.

The ball thudded into the pins, knocking them all over.

"I did it!" Ginni cried, excitedly and turned around to face Trent. Their mouths were close... he could hear the girls screaming for him but it felt like it was just him and Trent in the room. He leant closer... tilted his head...

"Spare!" Trent said excitedly, shaking Ginni's shoulders. "You got a spare!"

Ginni blinked several times, as Trent pulled away, slinging an arm around Ginni as they walked back to the girls.

"Good teaching," Amelia said proudly, kissing Trent on the lips.

Something broke inside Ginni at the sight, but he turned to Tracey with a weak smile, her enthusiasm bubbling over, but could only manage a small peck on Tracey's cheek.

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