Chapter 47 - bargain hunting

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"Okay what about this one," Ginni gushed, reading from his phone. "Size 8 unicorn underwear. Possibly worn a few times. Questionable odour. $50."

"Sounds awful," Tracey said, wrinkling her nose.

"They sound familiar," Trent murmured. "Wait, are you reading my stepmum's depop?"

Ginni didn't reply, scrolling through the photos on his phone. "They look neat," he said, intrigued.

"He's always going through Shae's depop," Tracey drawled to Trent, rolling her eyes.

"She finds the best stuff in the back of her wardrobe and sells it for money," Ginni said by way of explanation.

"Dad's stuff," Trent said, grimacing. 

"Yeah," Ginni said, chuckling. "Your dad's got the best taste in fashion."

"I'm basically dating my dad," Tracey groaned. 

Ginni grinned, feeling proud to resemble his hero, and continuing perusing depop. 

"What about my fashion taste?" Trent piped up, anxiously fingering his TB threads hoodie. "Ginni?"

"Hmm?" Ginni looked up, blinking at Trent. "Oh, yeah, your clothes are great. You should wear the butter t-shirt more often."

Trent smiled sadly. "My mum took it when she went to Queensland," he said. "she was buried in it."

"Oh I'm so sorry—" Ginni started before his eyes bugged out at his phone screen. "One of those Fasolo beanies is on here! $100. It says "worn heaps. Will give it away for cheaper just to stop my husband wearing it and reliving his football career in our apartment.""

"She can't give that away!" Trent cried angrily. "My dad loves that beanie!" 

"She has a point though," Tracey said.

"I'll buy it," Ginni said eagerly, thumbs flying over his keypad.

"Please don't," Tracey sighed.

"I've already got the unicorn underwear in the bag," Ginni said excitedly. "This is great! Bargain buys!"

"Technically those beanies were only $30 on Carlton draft," Trent pointed out.

"Bargains," Ginni repeated, eyes alight as he finished purchasing his items. "Fazzyyyyy boy."

Tracey sighed again. Her boyfriend really was becoming like her father and it wasn't a good thing. 

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