Chapter 6: Trent's dad is getting married

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"Is this really a good idea?" Ginni complained doubtfully, as he straightened Trent's bowtie. "We've barely been on two dates and I'm already taking her to your dad's wedding?"

Trent just grinned and picked a bit of lint from Ginni's suit jacket with his fingers. "She's my sister," Trent replied. "It's her dad too."

"What if this doesn't work out though?" Ginni panicked. "I'll be in all the photos."

"Of course we'll work out," Trent said confidently. "I have faith in our relationship."

"I meant me and Tracey," Ginni said, rolling his eyes.

"Oh," Trent said, frowning.

Ginni looked into Trent's eyes, then looked down at Trent's lips. His only thoughts being that they were two friends in a room... they could kiss...

"Here's our handsome fellas!" Two girl voices chirped.

Trent and Ginni sprang apart and turned to see Amelia and Tracey approaching both wearing beautiful gowns, looking absolutely stunning with their hair done and flawless skin.

"Hey Amelia," Trent greeted, pecking her on the cheek. "You look gorgeous."

"Thank you," Amelia said, blushing.

"You look nice," Ginni said to Tracey.

"Thanks," Tracey replied, shyly.

The four of them stood around awkwardly until Trent looked at his watch. "We better get moving," he said, always a stickler for punctuality.

"Lessssssgo," Ginni cried, regaining some of his earlier confidence. He slung an arm around Tracey and they followed Trent and Amelia out to the car.

"We're taking this battered old thing to your dad's wedding?" Ginni bantered, chuckling at the beat up corolla in Trent's driveway.

"It's all I got," Trent answered flatly.

"Might be time for a new car," Ginni said, still laughing as he and Tracey got in the backseat. She was laughing at her brother as well.

"Tell that to Mason, I almost kicked goal of the year and he pinched it," Trent muttered from the driver's seat.

Amelia grabbed Trent's hand, squeezed and changed the subject. "So have you even met your dad's new wife?" She asked.

"Nope," Trent replied, and pulled out of the driveway.

"Me either," Tracey added.

"What's her name? Shane?" Ginni asked, as he intertwined his hand with Tracey's.

"Shae," Trent corrected.

"Was it her choice to make the invitations black with the writing in blood?" Amelia asked.

Trent snorted. "No, that was all my dad," he said, "He loves that stuff. It's been his dream since he was a kid to have a black wedding."

Ginni clutched Tracey's hand tighter in the backseat, gulping in fear. He'd been to Halloween parties hosted by Trent's dad and if this was anything like that...

They pulled up at the wedding venue - a haunted house - and the four of them got out. Ginni held on tight to Tracey's arm as he felt beads of sweat pooling down his back.

Walking up the steps, careful to avoid the cobwebs and bloodstains, they walked inside and took seats near the front.

Looking around, most people had dressed in normal wedding attire, but there were some - like a big group up the back - who were wearing Halloween-like costumes.

"That's the uni blues football team," Trent said in awe as he kept sneaking glances to the group up the back.

"The ultimate post AFL destination," Ginni said, his eyes lit up as he watched them unashamedly.

"You're worth too much for them," Trent said. "Dad said they've blown their budget and they can't afford him."

"Isn't that what Carlton told your dad as well?" Ginni asked, smirking.

Trent rolled his eyes. "Yeah," he muttered, still annoyed that his dad's AFL career finished up so soon.

Darkness descended upon them and Ginni squealed, automatically grasping onto Trent instead of his girlfriend.

A spotlight illuminated the aisle as two staffy dogs, Nick and Leo, padded their way along, sniffing at every crack as they made their way to the altar. The dogs had spider legs hanging off them.

As the dogs stood at attention on the altar, the bridesmaids came through in sweeping pink gowns, followed by the bride, Shae, who was grimacing at the haunted music coming from the organ.

"This is dad's favourite song," Trent whispered almost gleefully to Ginni.

Ginni just whimpered and hugged his best friend tighter.

Once the bride was on the altar, the crowd turned around, anticipation building as they waited for the groom.

Trent's dad knew how to make an entrance.

Dressed in an all black suit, Alex Fasolo stepped out from a cloud of smoke, dropped his cigar on the ground and stepped on it, then continued smoothly down the aisle.

"Isn't he just fascinating," Trent murmured, absolutely transfixed.

"Mmm," Ginni agreed, shoulders loosening as he watched the Italian stallion, Perth's dark prince, glide down the aisle as Metallica's Nothing Else Matters boomed from speakers all around them.


"Do you take this man to be your awful wedded husband?" Dale Thomas the celebrant asked.

"I do," Shae replied, gritting her teeth at his mix up of words.

"And do you take this ghoul to be your awful wedded wife?" Daisy asked Alex.

Alex grinned. "Of course I do," he said.

"Dad wrote the vows himself," Trent whispered to Ginni proudly.

"He's a genius," Ginni whispered back, giggling.

"I pronounce you husband and waif. You may now kiss," Daisy announced, and the crowd applauded heartily.

Alex flipped back her veil and lent in, kissing his new wife softly, then fiercely, then—

"Yuck, Alex, I don't want your chewing gum!" Shae cried, spitting out a wad of gum.

Trent and Ginni were in hysterics as they slapped each other's knees.

This was the best wedding ever.

Author's note: I am very much available to direct and block scenes as well as choreograph dance numbers when this is obviously made into a movie 

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