Chapter 48 - hamster hampers

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Author's note: I need to stop stealing other people's ideas for stories and making them so much worse. I'm sorry.

"Trent, I'm sorry, I just heard the news!" Ginni cried as he answered the phone. "How are you?"

"Thanks, Ginni, I'm alright," Trent said politely.

"Are you sure? Are you eating well?" Ginni peppered. "Are you drinking enough water?"

Trent choked on a laugh. "Yes, Ginni, I am," he said giggling, "we've all tested positive."

"All of you?" Ginni squealed. "Oh no, Trenna, what can I bring you? Can I send you a hamster?"

"Ginni, please don't send me a basket full of hamsters again," Trent drawled, not correcting Ginni even though he knew that he meant hamper instead of hamster.

"I've got one here that I've trained to dance!" Ginni gushed. "He can do the hamster dance and thank God I'm a country boy. I even fashioned him a little cowboy hat."

"Ginni..." Trent groaned.

"Look I'm running down to the pet shop now for hamster packaging, text me if you need anything," Ginni said in a rush.

"I'll text you what I don't need," Trent muttered but Ginni had already hung up.

Alex burst into Trent's room, eyes alight. "Is Ginni bringing you a hamster?" He asked excitedly.

"Daaaad," Trent moaned, falling face first onto his pillow. "You know he wouldn't do that, we've got his cats here."

Alex's face fell. "Oh right, yes," he said sadly.

"You're welcome to take one for company," Trent offered, flourishing a hand at the five cats surrounding him on the bed.

A ghost of a smile flittered on Alex's face before he turned despondent again. "Oh, Trent, I'd love to but you know Shae's allergic..."

Trent just smirked. "If Ginni sends a basket of hamsters again, they're all yours," he said.

"Deal!" Alex yelled and shut his son's door, strutting through the house. This forced isolation after the family tested positive to the home iron test kits was truly a blessing in disguise.

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