Chapter 50 - Now I'm the worst person alive

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Author's note: I'm so sorry, it's another chapter about Trent working in a made-up accounting firm with a fictional boss and this is completely fictional because I don't think the CPA would care how badly you do on an exam but I just worry, you know? What if they find out how dumb I am???  What if I fail too many subjects??? What if I'll never be able to progress in the field of accounting and will amount to nothing and 

Anyway enjoy.


Monday morning. Trent opened the blinds in the office and turned on the lights. The start of another week. His plan was to immerse himself in work, and forget about the horrors of the CPA exam last week.

The phone rang.

Trent checked the caller ID and sighed. "Good morning," he greeted the boss chirpily.

"Trent, don't do any more journal entries," the boss said all in a breathless rush.

"Huh?" Trent squeaked, confused.

"Actually don't do any accounting work at all," the boss said in a panic.

"What do you mean?" Trent whispered, his throat dry.

"I just received a call from the head of the CPA," the boss explained, voice rising with anxiousness. "They're all in a flap because you produced the worst results ever in your exam last week."

"Oh," Trent said, his stomach doing a deep dive. "I..." He was lost for words. He knew the exam had been tough, had found it as excruciating as twisting his head around in circles, but for the head of the CPA to be worried...

"I'm sorry, Trent, I know you're just filling in after we lost your mum but the CEO of the CPA is really adamant," Trent's boss went on. "They reviewed all your quizzes in the learning modules as well and the unanimous decision is that you shouldn't be allowed to practise accounting."

Trent gulped. After his dream of following in his dad's footsteps hadn't worked out, he thought he would try following his mum's dream. "What should I do?" he asked worriedly.

The boss let out a breath. "Well, the CPA doesn't want you anywhere near the accounting field and they're going to cancel your membership," she explained.

"Okay," Trent said slowly, his stomach a hard ball of knots.

"But I really like having you around," his boss went on, "I put you in charge while I was in respite for a reason! You've really blossomed in your mother's position and cleaned up a lot of her mess."

Trent chuckled. There had been a lot of papers all over his mother's desk when he started, files stacked up on every surface.

"Look, I'd love for you to stay on," the boss continued. "Just steer clear of all bookkeeping and accounting work. We don't want a lawsuit on our hands." She laughed heartily.

Trent let out a nervous laugh. "Yeah," he agreed.

"Oh, another call is coming through, I'll see you later. I've already booked a taxi to get me there by 11. Bye."

And with that, the boss had hung up and Trent was left with a whirlwind in his head. Just a normal Monday morning.

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