Chapter 65 - studio student apartments

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Author's note: I really should change the title because I hardly ever update this story any more and it's always updates about Trent or Faz in the bath or Trent and I'm so sorry

Tony (not a real person) is played by Khanh Ong (from TV shows such as MasterChef, survivor, and I'm a celebrity get me out of here)

Tony (not a real person) is played by Khanh Ong (from TV shows such as MasterChef, survivor, and I'm a celebrity get me out of here)

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The sun was shining and birds were singing as Trent Bianco wandered out onto his balcony to greet the morning. 

“Good morning, Trent!” His neighbour called. 

“Good morning, Tony!” Trent replied. 

It felt surreal and so much like a TV show that his new apartment life came with a new friend. 

After Trent got dressed and ate breakfast, he'd head down the stairs at the same time as Tony, both cheerily chatting as they walked side by side. 

“I was going to work from home but I prefer working from work.”

“I've got a shift at my parents' restaurant today.”

“Oh, maybe I should go back for a jacket, it might get cold later.”

“I'm wearing layers, be prepared for anything in Melbourne.”

When they reached the street level, Trent said goodbye to Tony at his car and headed to the nearest train station. 

“Do you need a lift?” Tony asked from his car, rolling down the windows as he drove slowly down the road, his eyes on Trent. 

“Um, sure—” Trent started but—

Tony stopped his car altogether but not to let Trent in. “I forgot the files,” he said, and started the process of turning around in the one way street. “I'll see you tonight.” And off he went.

Trent just shook his head and continued on walking. He used to work with Tony at the accounting firm but since Trent was laid off, the accountants had to send off the tax returns and invoices to the client and lodge things themselves.

Although it wasn't hard to do all that, Trent felt bad for them all having to pick it up without any training from him. 

After all those years under the boss, and all the hours and time and coffees and biscuits that his mum had laboured over, Trent had been kicked out so easily. 

Trent went about his day at Lazy Moe's, serving parmas and watching the clothes from his own clothing label sell like hotcakes, trying not to think about his previous boss. 

She'd have loved this place, Trent thought for the millionth time as he served a giant parma and chips to a customer, she was the human version of the very hungry caterpillar. There was nothing that she wouldn't eat!

When his shift was done, Trent headed home on the train, his spirits lifting as he smelt the delicious  Vietnamese smells floating down the hallway as he opened his front door. 

“Tony must be home,” Trent marvelled, smiling to himself. 

He headed straight out to the balcony where he could watch Tony cooking up a storm in the tiny kitchenette that all their apartments had squeezed into them.

Trent waited and eventually Tony noticed him and stepped out onto his own balcony, wiping his hands on his apron.

“Come over, I'm cooking banh mi,” Tony called, grinning with excitement. 

Joy bloomed in Trent's chest and he grinned back. He really wanted to say yes, really wanted to go over there, join in on one of Tony's dinner parties— 

But a certain headband-wearing long-haired boy flashed into Trent's head. “I can't,” Trent said. Not yet. 

“Another time,” Tony said brightly. 

“Another time,” Trent repeated, hope stirring inside him as he stepped back into his apartment. 

It didn't matter how much Trent and Ginni were separated by location and footy teams, but while Trent spent the night scrubbing stains from his bathtub from when his dad had stayed here, he only had one thought.

He was in love with his best friend.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22 ⏰

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