Chapter 42 - where the crawdaddies work

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"Yeah, the accountants just went home early so I'm in the office alone. I feel like Kya in the marsh..." Trent said as he answered the phone.

Tracey snorted. "Trent, you're always so dramatic," she said.

"Yeah Trenna stop comparing yourself to the greatest cricketer of all time Mitchell Marsh!" Ginni yelled.

"Ginni? How'd you get on this call?" Trent asked bewildered.

"We're calling on the car phone, dummy," Ginni replied cheekily.

"But seriously Trent, you need to stop comparing your life to the characters in books," Tracey put in worriedly.

Trent groaned. "I can't help it, Tracey!" He said exasperatedly. "Mum's gone, and Dad, well he's always off at the pub and hardly ever comes home, I'm the youngest of all of Dad's offspring and expected to get my own dinners—"

"Trent, I made you carbonara last week," Tracey interrupted.

"You put in peas instead of bacon," Trent countered. "And there was cream in it, Trace, what would Mum think?"

"That was Jack's idea," Tracey said.

"The peas," Ginni added excitedly. "oh yeah and the cream, that was leftover from Tracey's birthday cake."

"That was a month ago!" Trent cried.

"Cream never expires," Ginni defended. "It's got— Trace, what's cream got in it again?"

"Oh, we'd mixed the cream with the leftover liqueur from the tiramisu cake so it kept well," Tracey explained. "And the liqueur all burns out in the cooking of the carbonara so it all worked out."

Trent sighed. "What was the reason for your call?" he prompted. "I've got to get back to overcharging clients for their tax returns."

"You work too hard, Trenna," Ginni commented.

"Trent, we've got a spare ticket to see Barbie tonight, we were wondering if you'd like to join us," Tracey said.

"Oh, yeah sure," Trent said, his face automatically lighting up with a grin. "I saw it with Tyler last week after mini golf, it was great!"

"Who knew that you and Tyler would be into Barbie dolls," Ginni drawled sardonically.

"Oh, I'm not— I mean, only when I was a kid— I mean—" Trent said flustered.

"It's okay, Trent," Tracey said gently. "We know that your mum dressed you in my pink hand-me-downs and you had to share my Barbies because she couldn't afford any other toys."

Ginni giggled. "Dream childhood," he said wistfully.

"Mm," Trent grunted, not so convinced. "See you tonight." He hung up the phone, hating that he felt embarrassed in front of Ginni, someone who had seen Trent in his birthday suit.

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