Chapter 8: Sibling catch ups

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"Bless you," Trent said, as his sister sat opposite him at Vanilla in Oakleigh and proceeded to sneeze all over the table.

"Thanks," Tracey said, sniffling a little. She grabbed a menu and sneezed into the middle of it.

"You okay?" Trent asked, lowering his own menu to look at his sister properly. Her eyes were all red and there were red marks up her arm.

"Mm, I'm fine," Tracey murmured, hiding once again behind the menu. "probably just hay fever."

"As long as it's not covid," Trent muttered, turning back to his menu and deciding what to get.

Once they'd ordered - with Trent ordering for Tracey because she couldn't stop sneezing - Trent grinned at his sister. "So how's things?" He chirped. "I feel like we haven't spoken much lately. You've been so busy with your art degree."

"Mm yeah," Tracey said. "and with Ginni as well. We moved in together last week."

"Oh!" Trent cried and clapped his hands. "That's exciting!"

"Sure, yeah," Tracey said carefully, unsure of how much to say. "Lately he's been obsessed with cats. It's like living with Angela from the office."

Trent snorted. "No, he's not that bad," he said with a chuckle.

"He's already adopted five cats!" Tracey exclaimed.

"Oh, really?" Trent said, eyebrows raised. He noticed his sister's red eyes widened in alarm. It dawned on him. "Wait... are you allergic?"

"Allergic to what?" Tracey said sniffling.

"The cats," Trent whispered, fearful.

Tracey let out a gasp and stared down at her arms which were streaked with red. "You think... you think these might be..." she said and looked up at Trent. "From the cats?"

"Yeah," Trent breathed.

"Oh," Tracey said, her whole body deflating. "I... I don't know what to say."

Trent's heart just broke for her. He knew how much happier Tracey had been these last few months, she'd finally found a kindred spirit, a partner she could see herself growing old with.

"I can talk to him," Trent offered. "I'll explain about your allergies. He cares for you, Trace, he'll do anything for you."

Tracey just let out a sob. "No I don't want... I mean, he loves those cats... there should be another way..."

"He loves you more," Trent said solemnly. He reached across the table and squeezed his sister's hand. "It's okay, we'll find a way."

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