chapter 60 - honey with a kick

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Author's note: I think I need a therapist to talk to about things that happen at work and ask "is this normal?" But until then, I'll continue writing chapters for this story that's going nowhere. Enjoy.

“Trent, please bill Capilano $2,500 plus GST for negotiations regarding their future cash flow and business structure,” the boss said as soon as Trent had picked up the phone.

“The honey factory?” Trent asked, his brain whirring trying to keep up.

“Yes, I finally convinced them of a variety of honey with some flavour,” the boss said, feeling pleased with herself. “They'll make millions from this which is why we should bill them. Some of that profit should be ours.”

Trent frowned. “But honey is quite flavoursome already,” he said. “I have it on toast sometimes for breakfast.”

“Yeah, so do I, but it just doesn't do it for me any more,” the boss lamented. “I always end up needing a second breakfast. Plus brunch afterwards.”

“Okay,” Trent said, unsure what else to say.

“So $2,500 plus GST, got it? Good. Write it down,” the boss ordered.

Trent scribbled it down on a scrap bit of paper, his head aching with questions. “This is more than we've ever billed them for their tax returns,” he said quietly, forever anxious about billing clients large amounts of money.

“But it's a whole day of work, plus the bookkeeper helped look over some of the cash flow stuff. We don't work for free!” The boss cried.

Trent just gulped. “We only charged the previous year tax return about $1,140,” he murmured nervously.

The boss paused. Trent heard her tapping at the calculator. “Wait, I used the wrong charge out rate, that was the accountant's rate,” she said. “Okay it's $1,300 plus GST.”

Trent's head whirled. So many numbers. He scribbled down the new figure. “Right, okay, I—”

“Do it now,” the boss implored. “The draft financials are ready to go, send those too.”

“Okay,” Trent said meekly and hung up the phone. The clock ticked over to 5:00. He sighed and sat down at his computer.

Today was never ending.

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