Chapter 28 - it must be exhausting rooting for the anti-hero

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Author's Note: just a note to my parents who'll never read this, your child is fine.

Also author's note: idk if there's photos of Faz holding an umbrella so pretend Faz is James Aish.

Nell played by Nell Morris-Dalton

Nell played by Nell Morris-Dalton

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Adam played by Adam Cerra

Adam played by Adam Cerra

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"Dad, come on, we have to sit up the front," Trent begged, as he tugged on Alex Fasolo's arm.

Alex held tighter to his black umbrella with one hand while pushing Trent away with the other. "You go, I'll just stand at the back," he mumbled.

"But we're family!" Trent cried. People already seated turned to stare at them.

"No, you're her family," Alex reminded him gently, "I'm just the ex, right?" He tried to sound jovial.

Tears welled up in Trent's eyes, his bottom lip wobbling. Before he could say anything, his older brother and sister swooped in, corralling Trent up the church aisle.

"Trent baby, don't cry," Nell said gently, arm around Trent's shoulders.

"Yeah, she was hardly around much anyway," Adam joked from Trent's other side.

Trent sniffled. "Yes she was," he sobbed. "She was always there at every one of my games." He hiccuped.

The three of them sat in the vacant front row, close to the open casket.

"What's with all the papers in there?" Adam noted, wrinkling his nose at the mass of paperwork bursting out from the coffin.

"Mum always said that if she dies, she wants to be buried with all the filing that she was yet to file," Nell answered.

"She had a lot on her plate," Trent sobbed quietly. "That's why she needed to move to Queensland to get away from it all."

"And because Dad was cheating on her," Nell put in.

"And she really didn't like the whole Carlton thing," Adam added with a smirk.

"Her boss got mad at her for invoicing a client twenty dollars less than it should've been," Trent commented, wanting to banter with his older brother and sister with a memory of their mother.

Both Nell and Adam stared at Trent then turned disgusted faces at their mother's casket.

"She did WHAT?" Adam spluttered.

"That's.... basically embezzlement," Nell said, her perspective of her mother slowly changing.

"But... I mean..." Trent tried to defend their mother, his eyes welling up again. "But it was only twenty dollars?"

Adam snorted and shook his head. "Money is so important in the business world," he lectured sternly. "Every dollar matters."

Trent full on started crying, turning his face into Nell's shoulder. Not only was his mother gone, but she was a criminal.

Not for the first time, Trent wished Ginni was here, but Ginni was trying on outfits for his wedding. Trent sobbed harder into his older sister's denim jacket.

Today was just getting worse and worse.

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