Chapter 53 - married to the club

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Author's note: oh god another chapter about Trent and not Ginni, what even is this story any more??? I'm so sorry.

"Nell bell!!!" Alex Fasolo cheered as the players emerged from the airport. 

Next to Alex was Trent, holding up a sign saying "congrats on beating the lions two weeks in a row".

"I really wanted to make her middle name bell but your mother wouldn't let me," Alex said casually to Trent.

Trent chuckled. "You always wanted Christian to be Christian Pesto," he added.

Alex sighed. "That was your mother, always squashing my dreams," he moaned.

"But Dad—" Trent started to say, ready to defend his mum, but Alex was staring proudly at Nell as she approached.

"Dad! Guess what?" Nell cried, holding up her hands, "I'm married to the club! I bleed black and white!" She grabbed Grace's hand and threaded their manicured fingers together. "We're married to the club!"

Alex wiped a tear from his eye. "Nell," he breathed, pride swelling his chest. "I'm so happy for you. Your mother—" He let out a sob. "Your mother would be so proud."

Nell beamed, her and Grace's black and white painted nails shining as they held hands. "Thanks Dad," she said, grinning. "Can we give Gracie a lift home?"

"Why not?" Alex said happily, and the four of them - Alex, Trent, Nell and Grace - headed to Alex's car parked in a loading zone.

Nell, being the oldest, called shotgun and muscled her little brother out the way to claim the front seat.

"Grace, I love your pigtails," Trent gushed as he sat in the back with Grace Campbell.

"Trent, stop flirting with my girl," Nell growled from the front.

"Thank you," Grace graciously replied to Trent.

"I tried to do Ginni's hair like that for the grand final but he wouldn't sit still," Trent rambled on.

"It was a big day," Grace agreed, "nerves and all that."

"Ginni can never sit still though," Trent said. "He—"

"Do you ever talk about anything other than Jack Ginnivan?" Nell interrupted mockingly.

Trent blushed and clammed up, feeling ashamed. It was nice to see his sister again but he wished she wouldn't always bully him.

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